NMF notification

DD received her NMF notification. Do we need to pass this information along to UA, or do they already get notified . . . or do we not need to worry about it, and just designated UA as dd’s 1st choice sometime before the deadline? (They already seem to know she was a NMSF, FWIW.) If we should pass the info along, who should we inform?


Email the certificate to the scholarship office. The scholarship will update on MyBama by mid March. Schools don’t receive a list of finalists.

Thanks. Will do!

Thanks again! That was easy. I did call the Scholarship office to get their email address, and they confirmed that emailing them a photo of the certificate is all that I needed to do. For other families in this (happy) situation, the email address is scholarships@ua.edu

Or your regional recruiter can update too…that’s who updated the scholarship office for my son.