NMS cutoff predictions for class of 2018

Does your GC have to input the scores into Naviance? My D’s score isn’t there. ~X(

@vistajay, PSAT scores only go to 760–maybe he or she got a 760? I got my S’s scores today. 73 V and 75 M. 221 total. That seems to be right on the edge for MD. 99% for both so that is a good sign I guess.

GC sent me an email to let me know DS score was 1440. Can’t tell me anything more yet. She got second hand from another GC this evening who has access. Going to review in the morning and let me know.

His sophomore score was 1430 (720/710M) with an SI of 215. 215 was the cutoff for KY last year. Feels like he is going to be on the bubble.

Do you think his GC has access to more detail right now, or will we have to wait to find out SI? Any bets on his chances in KY? (And I know no one knows)

@gene167e7, you can see your selection index on the second page. But if you do not have the report yet you just take your verbal score, divide it by 10, then double it. Then divide your math score by 10 and add to verbal. So if your 1470 is 720 V and 750 M, your index is 219.

@3kidsinMD yes one of his scores could be a 76. Hope your kid’s 221 makes it in MD!

@gene167e7, to add to vistajay’s correct info, you can only ascertain an approximate index score without knowing the exact math v R/W scores. You can, however, determine your minimum SI score by assigning yourself a perfect math score. This is because the R/W is treated as two tests, and the score is doubled. It’s much more advantageous to have a higher R/W v math score because of this.

So, you had a 1470. Considering a perfect 760 on math, that would leave a 710 for R/W. Your selection index would be 71 x 2 = 142 (R/W) plus 76 (math) = SE 218. That’s the lowest possible SI index score for a 1470.

The highest would be a perfect R/W score of 760, with a 710 math. That translates to a 223.

A 1470 is likely right around a 220, which this year qualified as a NMSF in all but 6 states and private schools with lots of out-of-staters.


@LOUKYDAD, GCs have access to a page showing - at the very least - the total score, math score, and EBRW score. Our D18 was given a printout of the page authored by CB.

Am I right that with a 1440, range of possible SI is 212 to 220?

Yes, a 1440 range is from 760/680 to 680/760, therefore 220 to 212.

@skitennis Thanks! With KY at 215 last year, he should definitely have a reasonable shot. When I get the breakdown today, will know a bit more. Crossing my fingers, he typically scores as high or higher R/W vs math, so keeping up hope!

219!!! 4 points above KY cutoff from last year. Not 100% obviously, but would you feel pretty good?

Absolutely, @LOUKYDAD. Congratulations!

my daughter has 221 in NJ. Missing by a point :frowning:

@Pri930 - 221 is considered bubble territory in NJ. And you need to wait a long while until they announce cut off numbers for the class of 2018. 221 is a great score! We have no way of knowing if numbers will go up or down or stay the same. It is all speculation.

Just heard from D18 - 1490 (730/760); 222 SI. Our state cutoff was 214 last year.

Awesome, @LMHS73 ! Congrats!

I found out I got a 710 on ELA and a 740 on Math but an Index of 216. How would that work as I thought the index was just multiplying the sum of your raw scores times two.

Never mind. I solved my problem.

You take your ELA score and divide it by ten and then multiply that result by two and add the math score divided by 10. What state are you in? 216 qualified for NMSF in some states this year.