So, I have already taken the PSAT nmsqt, with a selection index of 218. Unfortunately, I probably won’t qualify for national merit because I live in the state of Texas (these arbitrary cutoffs piss me off). But when I took the SAT, I improved by 80 points and got a 1540. Is there any way that this score which places me well into the top 1% can help me achieve any scholarships related to national merit, or am I just going to have to take the short end of the stick? I can’t find any scholarships based on having a high sat score.
On that last point, I mean grants that let you go anywhere like the national merit scholarship, not a scholarship from a lower quality public school trying to attract high achievers. Those will always be there
No. There are no blanket grants that you can get that would be similar to an NMF grant. Congrats on the great score. Look at schools that have auto scholarships based on stats. If you’re going to look at the top schools merit money will be less likely.
Eh. National merit scholarships are pretty small if I recall correctly. Having a higher SAT score might help you get various scholarships. For example, if you apply to a school that offers merit scholarships, you will be more likely to get one because of your score.
No, there are no national, school independent, scholarships that I’m aware of that have SAT score as the sole criteria.
Fwiw, one source states “The average improvement between the PSAT score (expressed in SAT equivalent) and SAT score was 139 points” and another says 80 points, so your relative standing looks to be about the same, at best.
Also, fwiw, NM cutoff methodology is very clearly defined, the opposite of arbitrary.