No Carnegie Mellon supplemental essay??

<p>Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I submitted my Carnegie Mellon app some weeks ago and received some mail from them telling me my app is complete, sans FAFSA (which I submitted today). I was on the Common App site and I was reviewing my Carnegie Mellon app when I realized I COMPLETELY skipped over that 1 page essay in their supplement. I must have missed it out of my own carelessness, but why wasn't the essay marked with a yellow dot? I would've expected Common App to prevent me from submitting the app if it were truly required.</p>

<p>What should I do about this? Will my app be considered incomplete and be tossed into the ignore bin? =/</p>

<p>They have yet to review your application. Give admin a call and let them know what's up. I'm sure they'll understand, and if they don't then maybe you've discovered that it's not the school you want...</p>