No Extra Curricular Activities, and 3.8 gpa unweighted.

<p>hey, im new here. i am 16 years old,a junior in high school, mexican (legal resident), live in nc. my family moved here when i was 3 yrs old, and we dont have much money. i have many interests, but we cant really afford much, so i cant really do much after school since my parents dont want to waste gas, because i go to school 20min away from home on a bus, and i have no other transportation. i would definetely be involved in clubs if i could but do you think that it will be held against me? suggestions?</p>

<p>cool story, and thanks for that advice. also, i have like 4.1 gpa weighted, and if i only have 1 thing to do after school next year will it be better than nothing? and i like art and computers, what kind of school would be good for graphic design?</p>

<p>^ definitely true. I had a 490 chem sat II because my chem teacher taught us everything wrong. (she’s stilll teaching at my high school, btw) Got a guaranteed transfer to Cornell CALS (science college) because they saw I was a really interesting person who just wanted to learn from someone who could teach. They gave me the GT so that I could have a year of experience with real professors that know their stuff. First semester’s almost done at my state school, and I’m coming into finals week with a 4.0 on 17 credit hours! Generally, college admissions make the right decisions. Be yourself and don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do.</p>

<p>so extra curricular activities dont matter if u arent able to be involved in them? i can just tell them i like art, computers, soccer, and football, and my desire to learn, and its possible for me to get in?</p>

<p>Idk i had a ton of ec’s</p>

<p>yo man, you are only a junior. You have plenty of time to join clubs and maybe even start clubs! START 'EM!</p>

<p>yeah, but i can never get a ride, i live too far away from all of my friends and i cant get my license because its gonna cost $1500 just to get on my parents insurance, which we dont have right now, or else id be in art club, soccer team and maybe fbla</p>