No Honors = No Engineering Merit $?

<p>So, anybody know if not getting into University Honors is an indicator that there will be no merit $ coming from the engineering department? Just wondering.... I know my S isn't the most brilliant kid out there, and I know there are alot of really talented kids accepted to VT, but I'm guessing his stats are above average even for engineering, and we're hoping he'll get some merit $. Seems to me like Honors is more about crafting the class/environment, so they're looking for diversity across majors, etc.. Of course, not all students admitted to Honors will get Honors scholarships, so I'm guessing those who don't will be the first ones given department merit $. Hoping the fact that he didn't get into Honors doesn't effectively mean he's also below the cutoff for merit $. </p>

<p>I don’t know if there’s any merit scholarships for incoming freshman. But the engineering department has merit scholarships for current students every year that any engineering student can apply to.</p>

<p>hokiefan - I agree that is what I understood. The engineering scholarships are awarded until mid-summer, way too late for a freshman making a commitment to a school. I was thinking they were for current students.- seems like most departmental scholarships at schools are for current students and the school merit awards are for incoming freshman as an incentive.</p>

<p>Freshmen Scholarships</p>

<p>The following scholarships are available to entering freshmen in engineering:</p>

<p>Davenport Leadership Scholarships are $7,000 renewable awards based on academic merit. The application for this scholarship consists of two stages.</p>

<pre><code>Stage 1: One page resume submitted between December 2, 2013 and January 27, 2014 as .pdf to Resume must include Extracurricular Activities, Leadership positions, and Honors and Awards, Employment (paid or volunteer), and current high school GPA (as reported in last grade report), and current email address.
Stage 2 (By invitation only): Full application. Follow review of resumes, candidates will be invited in early February 2014 to submit a full application.

<p>All those invited to submit an application will be notified of the award status by mid-March 2014. This scholarship does not require financial aid (as determined by FAFSA). Open to U.S. Students only.</p>

<p>Pratt Scholarships have no application process. Students will be selected for these one-time $5,000 awards on the basis of being a first generation college student, and on superior academic credentials. Recipients of these awards will be notified by late March 2014. This scholarship does not require financial need (as determined by FAFSA). International students will be considered for this scholarship.</p>

<p>All other freshmen scholarships have no application process. Students will be considered for remaining scholarships based upon admission to the College of Engineering as an entering freshman student in General Engineering. Announcements of these awards will be made by mid April 2014.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info</p>