<p>^ Hopeful CEO believed that using Google Chrome allowed him to see his SAT scores early. You never know (:</p>
<p>Wow your life must suck. </p>
<p>Those kids in darfur would never be down for a C, that’s just atrocious.</p>
<p>Hopeful CEO believed that using Google Chrome allowed him to see his SAT scores early. You never know (:</p>
<p>ill call the whambulance.</p>
<p>You have no future. Give up.</p>
<p>don’t sweat it. it’s only a term grade. at my school we have our semester grades when everyone else has their quarter grades. i ended up with 2 B-s in ap calc and ap physics, but I’m happy because I challenged myself and gave it my best shot.</p>
<p>believe what</p>
<p>Be nice everyone. It sucks to work hard throughout high school and then get an undeserved bad grade.</p>
<p>Hopeful CEO, I had a friend who got a C in a core class and got into MIT. It’s not going to singelhandedly bring you down.</p>
<p>aranyria is lying, I know his/her friend personally and I know for a fact that she is a recent graduate of Hamburger University.</p>
<p>u r doomed.</p>
<p>im thinkin like maybe hes alright…maybe hes alright…</p>
<p>and then i got hit in the mouth</p>
<p>Big damn deal, you got a C. Work harder and bring up the grade, or stop complaining. And no, one C won’t decrease your chances of admission, unless you’re just another typical applicant to Harvard with a 2250+ SAT score and a 3.95 GPA. It’s not a big deal if you go to Duke instead of Harvard…</p>
<p>I’ve got to stop coming to this site; it’s just not good for my health.</p>
<p>Personally, I think most people bashing CEO for complaining about a C would do the same if they got one…</p>
<p>its not fair</p>
<p>you need to calm down.</p>
<p>actually, like someone else said, colleges weigh sophomore/junior grades much more heavily than they do senior grades. the senior grades just show that you haven’t been slacking off in school.</p>
<p>plus, if you have mostly advanced classes, colleges will notice that.</p>
<p>seriously dude, calm the fu*ck down.</p>
<p>1 c is not gonna kill you, first off why post in this forum if you got a C. Go fight for it <a href=“mailto:bit@ch”>bit@ch</a>. Talk to the conselor or principal if u think you dont deserve this grade, and stop worrying, just crush next grading period, drop it if u still can. Ask teacher for help. So many things you could do to improve your grade instead of spending you time telling everyone on a forum about how you got a C. Damn, you are messed up. If i got a C, I would go into hibernation, I wouldnt leave my room for anything, I would study a$$ off until I got everything, and until my grades went up, i wouldnt do $hit.</p>
<p>But hey thats my look on it, if you want to be a depressed ■■■■, quit and spend your life as a little bi*ch who didnt accomplish anything because of 1 C.</p>
<p>if 1 C is causing you this many problems, then the rest of your life will be a living hell. Believe me, this is just one of MANY disappointments.</p>
<p>I’m sorry, I just have to ask. Did you not see this coming? I would have to expect that as a senior, you must have some idea of how you’re doing in a class before you get a shocker in the mail.</p>
<p>That being said, you’ve no one to blame for your C but yourself. YOU do the work, YOU’RE the one studying (or not studying). You earn your own grades. I got a low grade in AP Euro this term. Yeah, it kind of sucked; yeah, it was disappointing, but my mom tried to blame my teacher and it just wasn’t her fault. It was mine. </p>
<p>My advice to you: Study. HARDER. Work. HARDER. Think of every possible thing you did this term that could have led to your C. And just don’t do them again.</p>
<p>Seriously, man. Grades are not given. They’re earned.</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore, and I got a 76 (C+) in geometry last grading period, and I fully deserved, as a I failed tests and never went in for tutoring, thinking I could do it on my own. Now I’m aiming to get a B as the overall grade, which is still bad for me, but it’s a hell of a lot better then what I could get if I don’t work hard.</p>
<p>Now you’ll have a tragic event to write about in your essay. The time you overcame your suicidal thoughts when you got a B.</p>