<p>I submitted Part 1 of my app about a month ago for RD and still haven't received anything about my interview. Is this just because I applied RD and alumni are busy trying to fit in all of the EA kids or should I be contacting admissions? I thought Georgetown required interviews ergo pretty much everyone gets one.</p>
<p>If I remember what the GU admissions representative said interviews are tehinically not required for all applicants because there are some applicants that they simply can't arrange an interview with due to location. Basically, if you are offered one it is a requirement, but if no one ever contacts you then you can either call the office to see if an interview is going to be possible or just leave it alone. They won't discriminate against you if you were never offered an interview, but if you are offered one and don't arrange one they might be suspicious.</p>
<p>You are correct klaz - the Early Action applicants are still being interviewed at present. You may not be contacted for several more weeks.</p>
<p>^i submitted my part 1 with my part 2 a few hours before the EA deadline…no call yet for an interview.</p>
<p>my friend who’s applying RD already did her interview in mid-October, lol. needlessly to say, i’m getting a little anxious.</p>
<p>Was accepted last year (07-08) and did not receive an interview.</p>