No Letter

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I was wondering... on behalf of those of us who did NOT receive likely letters from Penn --> do we still have a good (<em>key word</em>) chance at getting in...or does the fact that we didn't get a likely letter mean that we're probably not getting in?</p>

<p>the overwhelming of penn acceptees do not get letters.
i think it’s usually just for athletes.</p>

<p>My daughter received a “likely letter” and she is a non-athlete.</p>

<p>Uh. Likely letters only go out to the TIPPITY TOP of applicants. Not even 10% of applicants, I’d assume.</p>

<p>no, definitely not 10%…they only accept about 16%, so 10% would be the majority of people accepted.</p>

<p>but yeah. they’re USUALLY just for athletes.</p>

<p>Whoops, I meant 10% of admitted people. xD</p>

<p>UPenn will not be accepting 16% of applicants this year. I highly doubt it anyway, all schools acceptance rates will be dropping this year as a result of record high volumes of applications. I’m sure your chances of acceptance are not determined by whether or not you received a likely letter. Keep your hopes up! Good Luck!!</p>

<p>well apps only went up by what… 100? the RD will still be really competetive considering the high amount taken ED… over half the class?</p>

<p>I am a freshman at Penn right now. I did not receive a likely letter, although I’m not sure if they only send them to ED applicants or if they send them to RD applicants as well (I applied RD).</p>

<p>Likely letters are sent to RD candidates. My daughter (non-athlete) received one last week.</p>

<p>btw Penn’s application numbers have been stagnating…so good news</p>

<p>I’m going to hurl with anxiety</p>