no need to file housing app for me baby

<p>that's right. my mind's made up. when i go to ucla, i will live in my uncle's flat, live with the homeless, sleep at the getty...yeah. i'm gonna build my greatness all over again after that earthquake of berkeley-rejects-LORD OF GREATNESS.</p>

<p>how are others going to handle housing?</p>

<p>I'm considering sleeping on the rooftops. Isn't that novel? I could watch the world whiz by while cooking BBQ on the roofs. If the view became boring, I could relocate to a new school, hospital or apartment complex. I would purchase an umbrella and a white tarp, but I'm sure the wind currents would reduce the heat up there. Once I had a sleeping bag, I'd be good to go.</p>

<p>you're joking right?</p>

<p>Why would I joke about something as serious as planning my future? I WILL SURVIVE. I must, for the future generations need my genes lest we all degrade into stupidity!</p>

<p>charizard, u have my full support. we must survive together.</p>

<p>Can't let the cockroaches dominate the Earth...humanity must survive!<br>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>