No NSC sessions showing up

<p>Tried to register for NSC at 12:06am and site says no conferences are available.... anyone else seeing that message? Surely they didn't fill up in 6 minutes!</p>

<p>I’m feeling your pain. Same here. And I don’t want to necessarily leave the page either - just in case they fix the issue.</p>

0) Log in to AIS

  1. Click sign up for NSC
  2. Instructions… click continue
  3. MPE… click continue
  4. Disability accommodations… select no, click continue
  5. Bacterial meningitis… select understand, click continue
  6. No conferences are available now. Please check back later… go to step 1 (unless AIS timed out, then go to step 0)</p>

<p>7) Give up and go to sleep </p>

<p>Called the IT folks and they say it’s an issue about which they are aware (but they don’t handle it), and they’re looking for the folks that do to let them know and see if they can fix it. He did not know when or if it would be fixed tonight. Hmmm. Wait or go to bed and try again in the morning or call the admissions office at 8? Hmmm.</p>

<p>Thanks, tshusker. I tried calling the number on the conference registration page but that didn’t get me anywhere of course. My son can’t go until the fifth conference and I don’t know if I should go to sleep or not. I wish they would post an updated registration time.</p>

<p>Thanks husker… of course, I still don’t know if I should go to sleep or wait… :)</p>

<p>It’s up and accepting registrations now</p>

<p>Yep! Just registered! You take a little nap and everything suddenly now works!</p>