<p>I LOVE CC but anytime I post a thread no one every writes on it--it just sits there. I'll log on and it will say viewed one hundred and something times but it says 0 comments.There is a lot of useful info on this site that I love to use but when it comes to having something tailored to me no one wants to answer. Everytime I look at other peoples questions they have TONS of GREAT responses. Has anyone else noticed this with themselves or do I just have a plague on me??</p>
<p>Maybe it is because you aren’t really asking a question, like now. </p>
<p>Seriously, though. When I don’t get many answers it’s because I am asking something that isn’t of interest to very many other people.</p>
<p>Ok Corley…I’ll bite…You have two posts on your thread re: internships so I’ll skip that one (plus I have no knowledge of what you were asking)</p>
<p>In terms of a private college counselor in Augusta, GA…a little too narrow of a question but try NASCAC to find one…</p>
<p>Multiple languages?: some HS’s have a 3 year requirement for one language so you need to check; in terms of admission to top colleges, some care, some don’t…there’s a Princeton thread about this as well…you could search there…</p>
<p>happy now? I think your questions are very specific and that may be why you get few responses?</p>
<p>and you’ve only been here for less than a month…be patient…</p>
<p>Well, I find that when I ask a question sometimes only one or two respond, but I assume thats because people lack the knowledge to answer, not because they’re trying to be rude. Perhaps nobody knew the answer to the question you posed.</p>
<p>Your questions were so specific and related to info that relatively few people know about. Probably no one who looked at the questions knew the answer.</p>
<p>Corley, besides the other’s comments (about your being too specific), also try to ask your questions on different sections. If you’re asking a general question that many people can answer, and it’s something that will apply to them and many others, you’ll get lots of feedback. If, instead, all you’re getting is lots of views, then you should change the question.</p>