<p>On my Harvard Supplement, in the "Optional Essay" field, I talked about a Research Internship I did rather than doing a Personal Statement. My hope was that instead of doing the personal statement, I could simply convey my "desire to attend" in my interview. But now it's January and I have yet to receive any kind of email about an alumni interview. And I know for a fact that a few of my friends who applied to Harvard have already been contacted by their interviewer.</p>
<p>Is there anything I can do? Or should I just simply wait patiently...</p>
<p>Don’t overthink it. Most likely, the interviewers only had enough time for your friends so they got picked, or you’ll get an appointment later. Besides, the optional essay didn’t say anything about what you had to write: it could’ve been anything from traditional personal statement to a list of the books you’ve read (literally; check the question). An essay about your internship works fine. Also, interviews for Harvard don’t even make much of a difference anyway unless your interviewer can tell you’re a serial killer or something and tells the admissions office.</p>