<p>i'm gonna be taking College writing R1A but online under the berkeley schedule of classes, it says that the professor is THE STAFF. therefore i can't buy my textbooks because the professor hasn't even listed what books to buy. Is this bad? I want to buy my books this week but i don't even know what they are. HELP!</p>
<p>Well, with my experience in writing classes, you will most likely have 4-5 books and maybe a reader, but I mean, you can always go to the book store first to see if the books have been assigned or look them up at efollet.com.</p>
<p>but the books haven't been assigned yet. is it bad to get them when school has already started?</p>
<p>It isn't bad to not have the books when class starts especially in a R&C course. You just need to get the things you need to read early in the semester after the first class session. The remaining books you can get later on the internet or through other, cheaper means.</p>
<p>Just wait until class starts. You'll find out the first day of class, or through an email.</p>
<p>If the books haven't been assigned yet, you're not the only one who has no clue what books to buy. You'll be fine.</p>
<p>I've had a professor who doesn't even get the books posted until a week or two into class, and then it's a reader that takes another week or two to process...</p>
<p>Really, all the stress about books is unwarranted. You'll find out real quick once you actually attend the first meeting whether you need your books immediately or not.</p>