No responses?


<p>I was recently admitted to the University of Miami to begin my undergraduate studies this fall.</p>

<p>Sadly, I have yet to receive any notification of a financial aid package. Considering they marked my FAFSA, as well as supplementary information they requested, as "processed" through myUM, would you consider this to be a normal occurrence?</p>

<p>I have tried to contact their office of financial aid, as well as my admissions adviser, but they have yet to respond to my emails.</p>

<p>Anyhow, I hope to see you all in August!</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat. My friends have all received financial aid information, including scholarships. My financial aid/current awards page does not show anything. Not even a Florida residential grant/scholarship. In the documents required section, it lists my FAFSA for some reason. I’m sure I submitted it for 2010-2011 and I listed UMiami as one of the schools.</p>

<p>Have you tried contacting them through <a href=“”></a>?</p>

<p>Yes, I have sent emails to the office of admissions, the office of financial aid, as well as my admissions adviser.</p>

<p>No response… (Hence the thread.)</p>

<p>I read somewhere that one must supply the security deposit before financial aid information will be posted… Doesn’t seem right though.</p>

<p>If they don’t answer your emails, give them a call, especially for something as important as this! The # is: (305) 284-2523.</p>

<p>I called today. They said they would send it in the next one and a half weeks. I guees I’m getting the last crumbs of their financial aid… >.<'</p>

<p>Buggger: did you make a typo or did you really file FAFSA for 2010-2011? If so, I believe you are waiting for aid for 2011-2012 so you will not get aid if you filed for the wrong year.</p>