<p>Today people started getting acceptance emails to SDSU and I haven't received a acceptance email from them yet? Does this mean I won't be accepted or does it take the University more than one day to send out the acceptance emails? Have you gotten your acceptance email to SDSU yet? I'm really scared as this is a school I really want to be admitted to, I would appreciate any feedback.</p>
<p>Thank you and happy holidays :)</p>
<p>SDSU will send it over a period of time. It doesn’t mean you weren’t accepted. They are probably busy with deciding.</p>
<p>As far as I can tell they sent the out of state acceptances first (see other thread). They have also started sending out acceptances to high ranked students from outside their local area (see other thread). </p>
<p>So, I think they have sent acceptances to their highest statistic applicants from outside the local area. They are required to admit XX% (I don’t know what percent it is) from their local geographic area. I don’t think they have started working through those decisions yet or sent any emails.</p>
<p>Web Portal (for those in the local area) still says Decisions by March.</p>
<p>You should check the web portal to see if they accepted you, that’s how I found out
but I am also out of state…</p>
<p>Thanks for the feedback! I live in central California, and someone I know that lives close to me got her acceptance yesterday. Do you think I will have to wait until March to hear back or do you think I’ll here back soon? I have a 3.96 GPA and a 1660 on the SATs.</p>
<p>Hang in there “Class”. They have over 74,000 applications to sort through. Students may not find out until closer to March in some cases - I think depending on your major, GPA, etc. They do have to allow a fairly high percentage to the local kids first but don’t worry.</p>