No Scholarship Money

So, I have not received any scholarship money from Texas A&M. I know that it is extremely competitive, but it was a little surprising considering I got a considerable amount from every other school I applied to. I was wondering if all scholarship money had been handed out, or if there is a chance that I could receive some money? It would only be merit scholarships that I would be eligible for. I have already accepted my offer of admission to A&M, so I know that is where I’m going, but some help financially would be nice :). I’m also an out of state student, so that doesn’t help much either. Any suggestions?

I am sorry. My advice will sound trite, but work hard, make really good grades and try to establish some connections within your department. Next year you might get some departmental money. Good luck and Gig’em!

Sorry to hear. My son received a few small scholarships for his freshman year at TAMU, but nothing has shown for next year. He too is quite nervous as these few scholarships were critical to fill in a gap. He did work hard and was on the Dean’s Honor Roll with a 4.0 GPA, University Honors Program and lots of extracurricular work. We too know its competitive, but there really isn’t any think else my son could have done to stand out. Its frustrating and TAMU doesn’t really explain how their selection process really works. Good luck on your quest for financial assistance.

there is someone at FA that considers comparable scholarships - personally I didn’t have much success going this route, but it does exist. If you’re OOS with a high EFC (we’re in that boat too) it is really tough. You can ask your college or department to see if there is any more scholarships for incoming freshmen, that’s a valid question (wait until after May 1st). My suggestion is to pursue outside scholarships, you have a good chance if you’ve gotten offers from other schools to win outside scholarships. My D got at least one every year. She continued to excel and apply for continuing scholarships, building a fabulous resume that still benefits her. Get involved on campus & do well academically, you can apply every year for continuing scholarships. My kids loved TAMU, the school offers wonderful opportunities, the FA isn’t as forthcoming for those who don’t have great need but my grad who didn’t get a scholarship from TAMU for 3 years, still would have signed up to attend here- no regrets. I have friends paying for many different universities, in relative terms this one is more bang for your buck versus many other systems. Some I feel raise their published rate to ‘give’ basically everyone a scholarship, since they are automatically generated by GPA & scores. If you’re a merit kid here, you seriously EARN them.

@whciv01 hang in there, I’m guessing your S is a best candidate for college-based scholarships vs. FA ones at this point - those are still pending in many departments. Keep in mind, all students compete together after freshman year - so your freshman son was up against my junior(by units a senior) for continuing student scholarships with 3 years of academic success, work history, internships, leadership & additional recognitions. That is why it is tough especially for the FA ones. There is no doubt that your son’s accomplishments will be rewarded - might be later with a bigger salary than his peers - that was the perspective we tried to keep. Although my D just wanted some recognition from TAMU with a scholarship (we paid, so the money benefit is ours), she did eventually get that and more. Hopefully your son’s timeline will be shorter than hers. Best of luck!

It won’t hurt and it might help to question the department and ask if there might be further scholarships awarded. If your child doesn’t qualify for financial aid there are fewer scholarships available. We are instate without FA and for his first 2 years scholarship notifications came very late. This past year after the start of the semester.