<p>sorry for making the title so dramatic,but i don't have anything better to do. SOflo(southflorida) has tuesday and wednesday off from schools because the idiots at the school district were afraid of anything happening to students, so after a hurricane warning went up they cancelled school.......yippy</p>

<p>funny thing is this hurricane has to be the biggest load of lard i've ever seen its a punk, winds a like 20 mph and theres a small drizzle whoa how scary. but i'm not complaining last year it was pretty bad katrina and wilma destroyed everything, there was purple and green lighting, most trees knocked down, and no electricity for weeks. We also missed 2 weeks of school.</p>

<p>Whats the point of this thread absolutely nothing, just enjoying my free time, sipping lemonade and eating crackers waiting to see if i'll see a cow fly</p>

<p>Hurricane Ernesto, or tropical ernesto as you're now called you are a punk dude, grow some pubic hair.</p>