No sits for Qualitative analysis and Honors Calc 3?

<p>So I looked up Spring 2015 classes and it seems like the classes are less available than they are during fall semester.</p>

<p>I was looking at qualitative analysis and honors calc 3 clases, and they were all full :frowning: </p>

<p>Only thing I can hope for these classes that some kids drop out during the first week, but how many students drop out from these classes? I don’t want to wait til fall 2015 term to take these classes… </p>

<p>It is a fact of university life that not all classes are given every semester, or that the same amount of sections are available each semester. This is especially true with sequential classes. It has always seemed to me that UA is quite generous with the amount of sections that are opened for both intro and required classes. As you get to the higher level classes there will be less sections, thus less seats. That is why it is important to have priority registration (which goes hand in hand with being in the Honors College). The earlier you register, the better chance of getting your preferred schedule. Sometimes freshmen can’t get into the exact section of a class they want because they do not have priority registration. That is why we always advise students to be flexible and have a few different schedules worked out in advance. </p>

<p>Are you looking for a particular time slot or day? You may have to be more flexible in your selection or you may choose to wait to see if someone drops out of the class. You can try to contact the professor to ask if you can be added or if the wait list will be used. I know there are some cautions with using the wait list. Perhaps someone who has used the wait list can give the proper procedure.</p>

Thanks for the detailed reply. In fact I am very used to waking up early, so the time doesn’t really matter.
The problem is there is only one class a day for both. </p>

<p>Yes, as I said each semester may have a different number of sections open. Check the last few semesters and see how many sections were finally opened in the fall versus the spring. Again contact the professor, they may be able to grant an override for registration.</p>

<p>It is not true that there is only 1 class a day for Calc III. (and I’m not sure what you mean by the quantitative analysis class being offered only 1x/day - what is that course #, please?) Also, I do not agree that classes are ‘less available [in the spring] than they are during fall semester.’ Registration for Spring 2015 classes started as early as October 28, so that’s well over a month ago. Naturally, many sections of classes are completely filled by now.</p>

<p>It is true that there are no apparent seats available in the 1 section of HONORS Calc III. There are SIX other sections of Calc III, however, and two of those sections have 35 and 32 seats still available, respectively. You do not have to take the Honors section of this class! That is what you want, sure, but you do not have to wait until Fall 2015 to take Calc III at UA. </p>

<p>Have you gotten your visa sorted yet, and do you have permission to enroll for Spring 2015? If so, you could probably contact the professor(s), as robotbldmom suggests, to enquire about getting into the class. But if you do not yet have permission to enroll at UA, I would not bother them at this point.</p>

<p>It seems that my visa should be sorted out soon…hope it doesnt get too late. i cant register without appripraite visa.I jjust wanted to know in advance because i have lots to do other than refistration regarding school…</p>

<p>Paul…don’t feel that you have to take the honors version of Cal III. The non-honors class will be just as good.</p>

<p>Once your registration hold is lifted, grab what you can and then over Christmas, kids will probably be changing their schedules (often late at night) so check back then.</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids‌ thank you</p>