No Sports?

<p>Hey everyone. The fact that I go to a pretty athletic school and I don't do any sports kinda bothers me. I consider myself to be a pretty artistic person- I play in a pretty successful rock band, perform with a lot of artists, perform in several jazz bands, do music for plays that need it, and next year (senior year) I'll be going to an art magnet school to study music every day after my school day ends. I'm also a good student, taking the toughest courseload, good grades, etc. So you can see, I'm busy- I don't have time for sports.</p>

<p>And its not that I CAN'T do sports, I'm pretty athletic/fit. I started lifting this year and I'm getting bigger, but is there a use to it if I don't play sports? Did I miss out on valuable high school experiences by not partaking in athletics? Is it too late for me to get started? Although not REALLY a sport, I've been playing Frisbee with the Ultimate club and they're having tryouts for the A team in a bit and I'm fairly confident I can make it. I just sort of want to leave high school with a shirt or jacket that says "(Name of High School) (Name of Sport)" it worth it for me to try out for Frisbee?</p>

<p>Official Asian sport is Ultimate Frisbee…lol</p>

<p>Personally, I don’t think you miss out in much if you don’t play sports. I know plenty who don’t. But if you really want to it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot.</p>

<p>Yea Ultimate frisbee is a bomb, plus tackle football (intramural) with friends on a saturday</p>

<p>You are missing a lot by not doing sports but i dont think ultimate frisbee is the best sport to do if i were you i would try a REAL sport</p>

<p>…a real sport. I doubt football, baseball or even basketball players could keep up with all the running in ultimate Frisbee, specially when playing full field.</p>

<p>LOL at above. sorry</p>

<p>Well i do track i guarantee you we run a lot more than in “ultimate frisbee”</p>

<p>You do have a lot on your plate, so I understand why you don’t play sports. But, I’d consider track, especially if you’re fit. Usually, coaches are flexible and allow you to miss a few practices if you actually have something to do, as long as you run on your own when you have the chance. I’d consider that as a second option if Ultimate Frisbee doesn’t work out.</p>

<p>soccer players, i promise you, could keep up in ultimate frisbee (talking about the running, i’m not necessarily saying that if you’re good at soccer you’ll be good at frisbee).</p>

<p>I don’t think you’re missing out, I mean it’s nice to be on a team but everyone has close friends whether they play a sport or not. I would go for it though, sounds like fun!</p>

<p>Ultimate Frisbee seems like the nationwide sport for Asian americans lol. We play it here too!
It’s awesome in the spring when the weather is nice, and we’re all playing an intense game of ultimate frisbee after class. That’s one thing I’m going to miss when I leave HS next year.</p>

<p>I don’t think you’re necessarily missing out by not doing a sport, but if you think you’d enjoy playing ultimate Frisbee you should by all means do it.</p>