<p>I noticed that there is not a designated place to put AP Scores. Are we supposed to list them in the Additional Information section or does Columbia not want to know the scores at all?</p>
<p>Just list them in an additional section...</p>
<p>I didn't mention them at all.</p>
<p>I had my counselor send in a copy of my AP score report with my transcript and recs.</p>
<p>This might be kind of obvious but don't include them if they're not that great. </p>
<p>I figured that mine couldn't hurt me and they would only help so I really wanted them to see it. If you feel the same way, definitely send them in some way.</p>
This might be kind of obvious but don't include them if they're not that great.</p>
<p>I figured that mine couldn't hurt me and they would only help so I really wanted them to see it. If you feel the same way, definitely send them in some way.
<p>I think this is right. You can send them in yourself on a separate piece of paper or have you school do it (if it's not already on your transcript).</p>
<p>Your counselor is supposed to list them in the School Report.</p>
<p>Actually, your counselor is not supposed to list them on your app. I'm pretty sure it breaks one of those cgc rules that they make.</p>
<p>I sent mine and i'm sure they were very helpful. In particular, they helped to make the case that, despite my relatively poor grades, I actually did learn all the material in my classes.</p>
Actually, your counselor is not supposed to list them on your app. I'm pretty sure it breaks one of those cgc rules that they make.
<p>But the Columbia School Report has a section where the counselor can list the scores.</p>