NOLA vs Tulane Need-Based Scholarship

Hello! I was recently accepted to Tulane EA and received $23,000 in renewable scholarships. However, I need to finish the CSS profile so that I can apply for financial need. I have a few questions regarding the NOLA. Normally, I’d just read the pages regarding NOLA and need-based scholarships. However, I just underwent a major surgery on Friday and my reading comprehension (and writing ability) are severely suffering as a result of the medication. Nonetheless, here are my questions to anyone that may know the answers or are willing to read the supplied pages:


  1. What is the difference between these two scholarships?
  2. Do they just cover tuition or do they include living costs?
  3. I know that NOLA covers the difference between the EFC + Additional Aid and total cost, but am unsure if the Need-Based Scholarship does the same.

Again, I am normally perfectly capable of researching on my own but am a bit incapacitated at the moment. Worst case, I will groom this post and ask the financial aid office. Thank you!