Non A-G classes in activities

This category is confusing. Our school says not to include health, PE, and sports (all listed on the transcript with grades) in the non A-G coursework in the Activities section, but we’ve also read that you should include it. We called the UC helpline but the guy we talked to was confused about it, too. The sports are already listed in extracurricular. Any thoughts?

Usually non a-g courses can be courses such as on-line computer programming courses. Language courses or CC courses taken for personal enrichment. Courses which are not UC transferable but show a specific interest or emphasis in an area of study. My son included a couple of on-line programming courses he took over the summer.

@Gumbymom Thanks for the response. Sounds like they don’t care about health, etc.

Our school also said not to include online programming classes in this category since they are not on his transcript.

My son listed the programming courses as pass/ fail and had certificates for class completion but never was asked to submit these transcripts.

each school is different, you need to look at your HS’s list and see which classes from your HS qualify for a-g status.

generally, a sport - (like a tennis team or whatever) is an EC. A class - even if it is a training class for a HS sport is still a class. It may or may not be an a-g. I could see a course focused on sports psychology qualifying while a strength and conditioning class not. Your HS should know.

@ncalrent Thanks for your response. Sorry if my question was unclear. It was whether or not those courses are a-g. They definitely are not. The question was if he should include them in the Activities section for non A-G coursework. Fortunately, we have found our answer, but thanks again for responding :slight_smile:

Good luck with your aps!