Non Athlete


<p>I was accepted to ND (still awaiting fin aid!) and it is currently my #1 choice unless I get off the waitlist at Stanford.</p>

<p>I have been reading about some of the "bad" things about ND and I still think that it is a great school and will probably end up attending.</p>

<p>The thing that worries me the most is the "athlete" aura of ND. I'm not out of shape, but I just never got super into playing sports. Oddly enough, I love watching sports, so that's not a problem, but if I don't play sports, will I be at a social disadvantage at ND?</p>

<p>Go Irish!</p>

<p>Most of us were varsity athletes in high school this is true, but now most of us are just normal students (plus some are like me and were varsity athletes and are just not very athletic). You won't be at a disadvantage at ND, no worries. There are a lot of athletic activities that you can take part in but overall no one cares if you are good or not for most of them. I have never noticed not being athletic as a problem for me at least.</p>