Non-Custodial Income (QUESTBRIDGE)

When you are inserting information for QuestBridge, what income do they look at to determine your eligibility?

Both of my parents are divorced and remarried and I live with my mom and step dad and visit my father and step mother occasionally (like a few times a month). The combined income of my mother and step father is in the typical range for a QuestBridge application. I’ve yet to ask my father and step mother (non custodial) the information about their income. However, I highly doubt that the combined income of my mother, step father, father, AND step mother is going to keep me eligible for the program!

Does anyone know what QuestBridge does to determine your income if your biological parents are divorced and you live with one of them and their family?

Just a tad bit confused and need some clarification.

I don’t know the answer, but consider this…

even if you’re chosen for QB, when it comes time to apply for aid, those CSS schools are going to be looking at 4 parents’ incomes and assets. When that happens, will the schools likely determine that the 4 parents should pay more than they’re willing to pay? Will your bio dad and stepmom even fill out the paperwork? Will they pay their “fair share”?

If not, then that should be your bigger concern.

Keep in mind that Questbridge is a vetting process that matches students with colleges. It will be the college that will be giving the financial aid. You will have to submit whatever the college requires you to submit in order to get aid from that school.

Quest bridge is very straight forward about whose financial information they need.

Look at the financial aid pages as most will require the CSS profile and the non-custodial profile or their own financial aid forms that ask for information from both sets of parents.