Non Custodial parent CSS profile

<p>If i've already filed one for a school with an ealier deadline, how can i submit it again to yale? i know how to do it for the regular CSS profile.. but the NC one seems to be a bit confusing. and i've tried... </p>

<p>or is it that if i submit the CSS profile, the NC one also gets sent? but they didnt charge me twice... like they should have for the CSS and NC profile... im confused.. anyone?</p>

<p>They only part of your post I can help you with is there is only one $18 charge for the non-custodial form, regardless of how many schools you send it to.</p>

<p>redr002, thx.. yeah i did send it to cornell since they had an ealier deadline. now im struggling with yale b/c i dont see an option for the NC profile where i can send it to multiple schools.</p>

<p>I had a similar question. It appears that all of the information filed under a student ID is forwarded to the list of schools for that student. You pay to have the NC added to the student file, you don't pay to have it sent. When the student pays to add schools, the whole file gets sent. This is an opinion.</p>

<p>oh.. hmm i see.</p>