Non Need-Blind Schools

<p>I saw on another thread a posting that describes a school as "non need- blind admission"</p>

<p>What schools are in this category? How do you find out? I don't think schools advertise that fact, although it would be good for applicants to know.</p>

<p>It would be just the opposite. If a school does not say that it is need blind in the admissions process than it is need aware or need sensitive. The list of need blind schools would be shorter as the overwhelming majority of the 4000 colleges in the country are not need blind.</p>

<p>I am genuinely surprised. I guess I assumed most were need blind and met students demonstrated financial needs. I know applications ask if financial aid will be applied for, but with the disclaimer that this has no bearing on admittance but is only for coordination with the financial aid office. Are they being disingenuous?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, "need blind and meets demonstrated need" is available only from a relatively small number of wealthy colleges. These tend to be the oldest, richest, and best known places, leading to the perception that this is common.</p>

<p>Unless a college advertises that it's need-blind, you can safely assume that it's not.</p>

<p>The best way to find out if a college meets full need or not is to check the Common Data Set, if available (Section H2).</p>