Non-resident tuition waiver

Heard on another site that the competitive scholarship dollar amount is increasing from $1000 to $4000 to qualify for the waiver beginning next year with the incoming freshman(Fall 2017). Can anyone confirm this?

I’ve not seen anything about this. My daughter is OOS and the only way she’ll be able to accept admission and attend is if she gets an OOS tuition waiver to pay in state rates.

The waivers are not going away, just qualification for a waiver they said would increase- honestly I’ve not seen anything on this until this morning, nothing official or in writing. Sometimes info. gets twisted, so that is why I asked if anyone can confirm this.

Well, it is apparently correct. Here is the new link stating the new $4000 scholarship amount.

Thanks for sharing. I hadn’t seen that. Well, this will certainly make the dream of attending TAMU more difficult for many OOS students. I know my daughter is depending on winning one of these scholarships in order to attend. Looks like she needs to win a larger one now :-(. She has very good stats, but I suspect most students who are hoping for one of these scholarships have good status also.

Scholarships do stack here, so you don’t have to get just one for $4k, you could get several that add up to $4K. Ironically unless the NM foundation amounts count, NMF scholarships are short of qualifying for OOS tuition waivers too - they are only 3K per year from TAMU

Many OOS students join the Corp for the scholarship waivers - they give several 1K scholarships that qualified for the waiver. For best chances now - I’d mark the yes box to any honors opportunities- that group tends to attract the most scholarship money. It will be interesting as now OOS students will need to win multiple awards for most students. My youngest did have a single scholarship that would have met the new minimums, however the ‘bigger’ known awards: NMF, Lechner & McFadden all will fall short of the 4K amount.

The website still says that OOS NMFs will qualify for the tuition waiver. My son’s award letter from two years ago included $10,000 in total grants and scholarships plus the OOS tuition waiver.

Yes, but the breakdown is not competitive from TAMU - sources were NM for some of that- but $3500 is TAMU which more than hits the 1K. The website just started to update today - many of the other parts are not yet updated., still quoting the $1000 amount The tuition waiver is grandfathered for those who already have it (based on the 1K amount), so your son will still have the waiver.

It will be very interesting to see what they do. New NMF’s might get the extra $500 to put them over the amount (?)

Makes sense.