<p>I will be applying for transfer admisison. What are my chances?</p>
<p>non-traditional (25 y.o.)
1st year Junior(next fall), political science major
3.7 college GPA
Kent State University Dean's List 3 of 4 semesters
Honors College invitee Spring 2003, Fall 2004
The National Deans List 2004-2005
International Scholar Laureate Program, Australia, nominated participant</p>
<p>i'm impressed that you can speak for everyone who has or will read my post. this talent will undoubtedly land you in any school you apply to. congrats!</p>
<p>I think you stand a good chance. In all honesty, I have no clue. I'm basing this solely on the fact that the few non-trads I knew at school did well and contributed a lot to the university and to campus, so I'm assuming admissions people like them for what they have to offer.</p>
<p>AASSDDFF brings up a really good point. No need to be sarcastic about it. There is only 2-3 Cornell undergrads here who posts regularly and non of them are transfers. In fact one seem to be transfering out.</p>
<p>oh kids... no need to bicker and take each other's backs. </p>
<p>one needs not be a transfer, a regular, even a cornell student and/or applicant to respond to a thread. Im certain new people sign up everyday...i, myself, signed up yesterday, and the person with the knowledge and experience to answer my post, or any post for that matter, can join at any time and give us all the wonderful advice we are looking for. </p>
<p>i suppose my point is to caution against answering for others and summing up what advice will be available. rather than "none of us are transfers," one could respond, "I am not a transfer." its an easy concept to grasp and fair to all that way.</p>
<p>i apologize to anyone offended by my earlier sarcastic remark. i supposed i was slightly offended by the way my post was disregarded as something "none of us" would possibly be able to respond to. in the future, i will keep my posts polite and cheerful... i promise...cross my heart...</p>
<p>the spinny .gifs are supposed to hypnotize you into checking back frequently and donating to my site's longevity.. it may not be immediately evident, but wait a couple days... you'll be itchin' to check it... slow performance and all</p>
<p>sorry... a traditional college student might be someone ages 18-23 who attended college immediately or soon after high school graduation. i'm sure there are other criteria, but this is the most obvious.</p>
<p>non-traditionals are often older and usually they have more "real world" experience(direct result of age, of course) this is usually a plus. not always. i'm sure there's more to offer in regards to your question but law and order: SVU is back on...</p>