<p>how hard are they to get? preferably the on-campus jobs....</p>
<p>i got one of those pretty quickly. they have a job fair towards the beginning of the year. they’ll have packets. one for work-study jobs and one with only non work-study. there’s so many diff. types of jobs you’ll get to choose from.</p>
<p>USC is the largest private employer in Los Angeles. You’ll have no trouble at all. :)</p>
<p>I thought USC has a hiring freeze and that there were few non-work study jobs available. Has this changed?</p>
<p>the hiring freeze is for like usc faculty. the old ppl. not the college students.</p>
<p>The hiring freeze ended June the 1st.</p>
<p>what is the minimum amount of hours/week you need to work at those jobs? im talking non workstudy jobs…</p>
<p>im curious because it wouldnt hurt to get some extra cash to spend on clothes/food/partying and i guess it could be good for me
but dont want to spend ALL my time there :)</p>
<p>Is it 20 hrs/week? Somewhere between 15 and 20 I believe.</p>
<p>I was told 20 hours/week was the maximum for international students. Right now I work 8-9 hours/week non work-study.</p>
<p>sweet, thanks for the responses. </p>
<p>also, does any1 have any idea what getting a job can do to my financial aid for next year?</p>
<p>If its non work study, I’m pretty sure its counts against your EFC since its income.</p>
<p>i dont mind the fact that it counts against the EFC as long as i at least get to keep a reasonable amount of my earnings. in addition to the monetary benefits, im looking for job experience (probably 2nd semester, so i can use 1st semester to get used to college). do students have some kind of income protection before it starts affecting the EFC?</p>
<p>^ good question.</p>
<p>by the way, for work-study and non work-study jobs, when do you start working? or does that depend on the job or when you apply for the job?</p>
<p>pretty much depends on the job.</p>
<p>in one way, i think it would be kinda lame of the FA office to reduce the amount of aid you get, just because youve taken an on campus job to get some extra bucks… ON THE OTHER HAND, i think it would be almost wrong of someone to take a lot of FA when they clearly have the ability to make some of that money themselves… i mean, if youre going to a top institution like SC, then I think you should be ready to pay what you can as it is unfair to take money from other people because you dont have your own, and then sit with your own stash… if you know what i mean ?</p>
<p>this is by no means a shot at FA takers or those getting FA and thinking about getting a non workstudy job, its just a pondering about the morals in play… i somehow feel that those taking FA should be willing to pay all they can as a sign of respect and thanks for all the money USC is giving them, but at the same time, i feel that theres nothing wrong with keeping a little bit to yourself so that you can actually have a more enjoyable life at SC :)</p>
<p>I think that as long as your family is not filthy rich, and you aren’t making an obscene amount of money with the job, then USC would just see it as spending money.</p>