Noob GPA calculation question


<p>A : Course 1 (4 credits)
B : Course 2 (4 credits)
A- : Course 3 (5 credits)
P - Course 4 (2 credits, pass/fail)</p>

<p>What is my semester GPA? EDIT: I found this</a> useful tool... 3.58 would be the GPA for that fictional situation. I was using 3.67 to calculate the A-, but a minus gives 3.7.</p>

<p>Also, to what extent does Cal round GPA figures? EDIT: I'm guessing GPA is rounded to the nearest hundredth?</p>

<p>would you be able to use the tool for the college of engineering as well? or is it just for letters and science?</p>

<p>Good question… it should be compatible. I’m not familiar with the GPA / grading policies of the college of engineering.</p>

<p>All of Cal uses the same system - Letter grades are A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0 and you add .3 for a plus grade, subtract .3 for a minus grade.</p>

<p>A- is 3.7 (4 - .3)
B+ is 3.3 (3 + .3)</p>

<p>However, A+ is still 4.0, the one exception to the method above.</p>

<p>GPA is the summation of the grade equivalent above (e.g. 3.3 for a B+) times the units for each class, all divided by the sum of the units. Pass/Fail classes are not included in the unit count. </p>

<p>GPA is reported to hundredths.</p>

<p>perfect answer</p>

<p>thank you rider!</p>