NOoO...Missed National AP Scholar by 1 Point...

<p>Scores: 5,5,5,5,55,4...(3 were self-study)</p>

<p>AP Physics B (Self-Study): 3</p>


<p>Lmao me too! </p>

<p>5,5,5,5,5,5,5,3 </p>

<p>lol french messed me up. But no probs because i still have next year..</p>

<p>I missed it by 2</p>


<p>2 on English #$%%^%$^*&^ :-'(</p>

<p>Me too, one lousy point.</p>



<p>Thought it was an average of a 4 O_O</p>

<p>^ an average of 4 on EIGHT exams you take</p>

<p>most of them had 7 exams with a score of 4 or 5, but then the last one ended up being the killer..</p>

<p>lol, it's ironically humorous</p>

<p>..sorry ><</p>


<p>You need an average of 4 or more and at least a 4 on 8 exams taken.
So 8 4s is better than 7 5s in the eyes of Collegeboard.</p>

<p>It's all part of their money-making scheme haha</p>

<p>quote:"So 8 4s is better than 7 5s in the eyes of Collegeboard."</p>

<p>so i have 3 4's right now... and im planning on getting 5's next by not cramming </p>

<p>a year load of info into two nights lol. we don't care what</p>

<p>collegeboard thinks, but we care about what the college admissions officers</p>

<p>will say... any comments?</p>


<p>that is national ap scholar isn't it? 4+ on 4 exams and it is an average of 4 +</p>

<p>its 8 exams</p>

<p>and what's the significance of being the National AP Scholar</p>

<p>besides showing that you're a complete nerd?</p>

<p>do we get money?</p>

<p>it looks really good on your high school resume lol</p>

and what's the significance of being the National AP Scholar</p>

<p>besides showing that you're a complete nerd?</p>

<p>do we get money?


you know CollegeBoard wouldn't do that</p>

<p>^LOL good point.</p>

<p>so basically it comes down to this:</p>

<p>National AP Scholar= i'm a complete nerd who wasted his time/life and about $664 to be called this.</p>

<p>And if you don't get this distinction until after your Senior year exams then it means absolutly nothing, assuming you already applied to and were accepted to colleges by this time.</p>

National AP Scholar= i'm a complete nerd who wasted his time/life and about $664 to be called this


<p>How about: National AP Scholar=someone who while still in HS has proven his/her ability to easily handle college level curriculum and who has accumulated enough college credits to graduate in 3 years potentially saving tens of thousands of dollars in the process.</p>

<p>Needless to say that people who took less than 8 tests and successfully passed them or people who missed the title by a couple of points are in the same boat and enjoy exactly the same benefits. They are not nerds and they have not wasted their money.</p>

about $664 to be called this.


<p>Well, you only pay that if you're rich... I had all my fees waived. :D </p>

<p>But where's my certificate?</p>

<p>^ or if u live in a rich county, they pay it all for u</p>

<p>man i really want that National Scholar. with a GPA that UCLA is like ehh, getting the NAPSA (National AP Scholar Award) would make my transcript good</p>

<p>@denniso: u just gave the definition of a nerd...</p>

<p>and you can get the scholar award by junior year?</p>