<p>What is the average number of units for a full time student to be taking at a community college? Presuming he is serious about transferring and doesn't want to take forever. I have heard 15 or 18, so does that mean up to 6 classes? I went to a 4 year university in the dark ages and I never took more than 3-4 classes each quarter.</p>
<p>On the quarter system, a typical CC load is three 5-credit classes. A full-time student would therefore take nine courses in a year for a total of 45 credits, so a 2-year Associates degree would be typically 90 quarter credits.</p>
<p>On the semester system, a typical CC load is five 3-credit classes. A full-time student usually takes ten 3-credit classes in a year for a total of 30 credits, so a 2-year Associates degree would be typically 60 semester credits.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply. I noticed that the quarter based CC here has classes between 4-5 units (mostly 4), and the semester based CC has 3-5 unit classes (mostly 3). But I get the idea, it should be around 15 units/term.</p>
<p>I"d say, don’t take more than 4 classes at a time, maximum, unless you don’t like to sleep.</p>
<p>Take what you can handle, no less than 12 semester units. If you’re taking a class thats particularly difficult, you might want to take easier classes with it that still fulfill the transcripts needs.</p>