North campus dorm life --- RAs

What do the RAs do in the campus dorms? I have 2 of them in my house

Anyways, my question is what do “RAs” do? Do they need to be a part of my life if I don’t want them to be? What if I only like one of them (that might happen maybe)? Do I have to talk to both at the same time if I have an issue?


They will come by your room and kind of check you in on day 1. They will let you know when the first hall meeting is. They will check you out on last day of school. They will stop by each night to make sure you’ve eaten your veggies that day (ok that last one was a joke).

RA’s are there to help you. They’ll be able to figure out how cuddly or chatty you are.

If you have an issue with your roomate the first line of communication is going to be with your roomate.

RAs help organize house-wide events (open to anyone who’s interested, but you’re also free to skip these), prepare a one of three weekly study breaks (housemates get together to eat mildly unhealthy goodies and chat), take care of a lot of PSAs/reminders, and are there for anyone who needs help with a personal issue. They also help your RH (responsible adult(s) who live in the house) with various day-to-day tasks and assume many of the same responsibilities - they’re mandated reporters, receive training on different resources for students, etc.

(@HydeSnark may want to weigh in).

I don’t think you’ll have an issue with either of the RAs in your house. I suggest you stop worrying about this as it may cause the needless worry of others. If you do have a problem with you RA, which is relatively rare and usually not serious, one may consult the RHs of the dorm, of course.

They really seem to function more as an older knowledgeable friend than anything bossy or bad. My kid had good relationships with the RAs in his house and the resident heads, etc too. They don’t want to be your parents at all just someone you can rely on when you need someone.