Northeast and midatlantic merit scholarships

I am wondering what schools you found have good merit scholarships? My daughter is interested in marketing degree from schools in MA to Philly and DC. She has a 4.0 but will probably apply without test scores unless she brings her SATs up significantly - she currently is below 1400. She has a ton of volunteer hours in two different areas and she has extracurriculars. She is mostly looking at schools like BC, BU, and GWU but is also looking at others like Temple, Rutgers and others. She prefers city schools or ones that are close enough to get into a city quickly.

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Which state do you live in?

St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia offers good merit. It has a very good business school.


My daughters had one B each, 33/34 act. The highest east coast merit they received was Saint joes, temple, and SUNY Bing. UCONN, UMASS, URI, Scranton, Quinnipiac, UDel came in close to in state Rutgers. Northeast colleges can be stingy and expensive. I’ve had kids at UDel, Clemson, Rutgers (no merit), TCNJ (no merit), and Montclair state (with merit).


What state are you in and how much merit do you need?


A student who likes BC and GWU may like Fordham too. Fordham’s Gabelli school of business is very good. Your daughter would get merit, although it would still be expensive.


Sorry, we are in NJ and need as much as possible because we make too much to qualify for needs and not enough to pay for college and can probably only afford to help with one year of a private school. She will have a lot of dual enrollment credits so that might be able to knock her down to three years of undergraduate but she plans on double majoring so that might not be possible.

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She plans on touring there in September or October so she can see it when students are there to make sure she would feel safe if she left campus because I’m nervous, not her.

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I keep bringing up SUNY. They participate in the match - you would either pay the OOS cost or the Rutgers cost, whichever is cheaper.

Look at the list of participating schools and see if any are of interest. New Paltz is not a city but she could go when she wants (students do this). Albany is on the list.

If you could pay one year of a private school my guess is your budget is $80,000 total plus the small student loan. Added to that would be any merit that is received.


U Maine or go South. Yes it’s not your zone but the Southern schools provide a lot of aid. Also, U of Arizona Eller would cost you $8k tuition with the 4.0 and is in a city.

College of Charleston is a quick flight from Newark, smack in the city and you can do well.

Aid amount doesn’t matter. What matters is the budget - what are you willing and able to spend?

BC, BU, and GW are pricey with or without merit we need to know the budget -$25k, $40k, $60k, $80k? There are schools out there - even $80k - that would require merit to hit that price.

So get us a price and hopefully you have bend in city or geography. You’ll likely need it for more options.



The problem with three year undergraduate is that it eliminates an entire summer of possible internship experience. So your D would be competing for full time jobs with other students with much more robust resumes.

Something to think about. Many kids get full time offers for post- graduation jobs at the end of the summer between their junior and senior years. It is VERY difficult to compete with that if you’ve only got two years of college under your belt at that time…


Might like Loyola Maryland, and earn the Presidential Scholarship.
But even so, my guess is the remaining bill would be starting at $40k.

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Once you let us know your budget, we can help to find schools that might be able to meet that budget. Seconding St. Joe’s (St. Joseph’s) as an option.

Also, do you have an airport that is convenient to you? Opening yourself up to schools that are a nonstop flight away can also add options. For instance, DePaul and Loyola Chicago are two schools that tend to give significant merit aid, and most airports will have a nonstop flight to Chicago as there are a number of airlines with hubs in Chicago.


Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. A link to scholarship information is here:


A few comments:
– You might also look into SUNY Buffalo, and possibly TCNJ (may not be urban enough).
–My S went to Fordham a while back and we felt safe with him there. If you have any questions you can message me.
–And I agree that you cannot assume graduation in 3 years. It can be done but business programs will have a business core curriculum and some of classes will be sequential in nature. Additionally, I expect that any Jesuit college on you list will also have a substantial humanities core curriculum.


Maybe not helpful, but schools not on the Atlantic Coast are more likely to offer merit aid because they have a yield problem when competing for admits with coastal peers.

So, universities like CWRU, Rochester, and Syracuse have robust merit programs because they are trying to woo students away from the likes of BC and BU. But BC and BU don’t need to do that as much . . . because they are in Boston.


Agree that expanding the geographic range could make a big difference.


Sarah Lawrence is very generous with aid. A different kind of school than the ones you’re considering, but definitely has easy access to a city.

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OP is looking for an undergrad business program so I don’t think that would work.

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Oops, forgot that part - you’re right.