Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Waitlisted at NU…but accepted at MIT. Go figure. Guess it’s true that the entire college application process is a total crapshoot… :person_shrugging:


100% true. Congrats on MIT!

NU is a school that heavily weighs interest in attending, especially ED. They don’t leave much for RD because they want commitment early on, many students apply to NU RD because of the lack of a supplement.


DD applied EA, deferred, and then waitlisted. I have to admit she is taking it better than me. From what I know it had alot to do with the housing crisis. They over admitted a few years ago. I agree with @puppy8 I hope this isn’t a preview for the remaining schools. I my anxiety has been quantifiably higher watching her go through this, then when I applied to college :weary: All the best to you (or your children) for remaining schools.


Agreed and congratulations on MIT :partying_face:

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Ok, so 90,000 applications…has anyone worked out what the acceptance rate was yet?

Congrats to those who got in!

I am in CA- no results yet for my DS22

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My estimates as well as some others put it around 5%. We wont know official admission rates until much later in the year.

Word over on reddit is that it is in the single digits which would would be wild. NEU is a solid school, but no CalTech, MIT, IVY, or Stanford to fall into a single digit acceptance rate.


Deferred to waitlisted. It’s fine, he had become increasingly turned off by stuff - they definitely NEVER showed him any love or interest despite him jumping through every hoop available and he has zero desire to experience the housing mess.

It is looking like he will end up at Notre Dame unless there are some huge surprises this week and next (the MIT story gives me hope!). Take care, everyone. Good luck with the rest of admission season.


Given that the incoming class has been reduced to 2500 max, it is expected that the overall acceptance rate will be 6%.


Wow, 5%? That seems a bit crazy, frankly. Well, good luck to all of you - you’ll all end up somewhere great!

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My kid was accepted with a dean’s scholarship after being deferred in EA: 1560 SAT, 4.0 UW, 40 college credits, wrote LOCI. This morning, I scheduled a tour, fully expecting to have to cancel it this evening. Best wishes, everyone.


In NJ. Got in.


got my decision like an hour ago, rejected. congrats to everyone who got in!!


CA results are in

DS waitlisted SAT 1570, GPA 4.0/4.6. HYPSM published research.

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Your daughter’s profile is awesome. Too bad NEU is playing games - and blatantly so. It’s awful.

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Was a deferred student required to accept their spot on the deferral list in order to be considered for RD?

waitlisted! got into usc with merit early… weird but whatevs! congrats everyone!


Waitlisted: OOS Biomed Engineering 4.6 GPA/36 ACT
Solid healthcare ECs and strong essays
55 DE credits + additional APs

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