Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

DS accepted for CS NUbound from CA after deferral from EA.
W GPA 4.26, SAT 1550, lots of ecs and volunteering, 11 APs by end of senior year. CS related summer programs, top 9% in school.


DS accepted into Engineering after EA deferral. 4.0/4.9, 36 ACT, surprising merit. Hang tough everyone!


deffered, then rejected. currently in the running for a merit scholarship at Notre Dame


Some of these stories are simply ridiculous. Hang tough everyone. :crossed_fingers:


My kid is a ND Scholars’ Program finalist too. :slight_smile:


good luck!

Rejected. From Montana. 1550, 4.64w/4.0uw. Varsity athlete all 4 years, nothing else exciting. 11 AP
He did not show any interest, it was a last minute submission that I told him to do.
Surprising to see 90,000 and the very low rate. I knew schools had more applicants this year, but these are insane numbers.
I hope he isn’t done getting in anywhere. These last ones are going to be brutal. (already has 2 safeties)


I got in but through the NU in program? Anyone heard about this?


Same. Naviance said it was a match but l realize it was based on outdated data from a few years ago. Other sites list it as a high match. My son is worried now he applied to too many reaches and he won’t get in anywhere else other than the two schools he got into Early Action.

Same here.

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Yep it means you start your college year abroad with NU professors. The person I know who did that studied in Ireland for the semester.

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You start with a semester abroad and go to the Boston campus in January. The locations are on the website. Parents are very enthusiastic about their kids’ experiences in the Northeastern Parents Facebook group and you can find many student videos on YouTube.


Or introspection about what is important. A non pressure cooker school that has great experiential learning. Very desirable.


Sorry to see the sour grapes posts. With over 90,000 applicants, many thousands of well-qualified applicants will be rejected. Anyone thinking it’s a safety school is in for a surprise. Good luck to all, whichever college you choose.


My son got waitlisted for Engineering. 1560 SAT/ 4.25 GPA all honors and AP classes, from MA

D22 is RD waitlisted. She is qualified (based on admitted student profiles), showed interest/visited campus and would have absolutely considered going there. No more but that’s how it is. Congratulations to the admitted students!

The rankings weren’t very important to my son. He loved the campus and the coops - in fact, there are many things to love about NEU, which a) caused high app levels and b) made my son hang in there to the end even as he realized it likely wouldn’t be the place for him. I am sure the students who attend next year will have a wonderful experience.

Signed, a mom who isn’t brain-damaged.


Waitlist. Had the stats, must’ve lacked something else. The school wasn’t really for me though so I’m cool with it. Congrats to those accepted!



Out-of-State (Virginia)

4.63 Weighted GPA/4.0 Un-Weighted GPA

1570 SAT (13 APs: 6x 5, 1x 4, 6x In-Progress)

Extra-Curriculars: F.B.L.A. President, Class President, Debate Captain, Non-Profit Founder, Model U.N. Delegate + More

Awards: 2x State Debate Champion, 2x State F.B.L.A. Champion, National Merit Semi-Finalist, AP Scholar w/ Distinction + More

Major: Business Administration + Political Science

Financial Aid: Kinda Need-Based