Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Apparently it is a thing - I didn’t just make it up.


Lol wasn’t suggesting that you made it up! I was just initially surprised that my daughter would have gotten accepted into NUin as a 17 year old when there were age minimums. Thanks for sharing the chart - I’m relieved to see that 17 is the minimum for the three locations that work with her major. As with your daughter, SF Bay would not be the experience that my daughter was expecting when she indicated that NUin was one of her choices.


My daughter says 2750 per semester
That is 5.5 K per year

Her letter. Financial aid breakdown, plus the 10K per semester for the dean’s scholarship

Certain countries require you to be 18 by a certain date. You need to read the guidelines for the NUin program for each site. London def requires you to be 18.


It may be based on how they determined your need.

They may add an additional amount for NMF… seems like recent amounts show an additional $5k but not everyone is getting that. It prob depends on how they determine your need.

That is what the offer letter said. We were also unaware of this restriction. Great excitement fell with this realization. Of course, my husband and I are now fighting over who gets to spend 6 weeks in London as a “chaperone” for her until she turns 18. Anyone think this will work?!

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Hello, what are the three locations she’s eligible for as a neuroscience major? I am thinking about switching mine.

The 18 year old requirement is a requirement of the UK government. I don’t think that Northeastern can override it.

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My daughter was deferred then waitlisted.

Any insight on if or how many come off the waitlist?

My daughter looked up the requirements, and apparently Greece, Ireland, and the Bay Area are programs that are compatible with the classes she would need to take. Lucky for her, those programs also allow 17 year old students.


Northeastern has not gone to the waitlist for several years. They are taking a very conservative approach to admissions this year: relatively few acceptances and many waitlisted. Depending on how many confirmations they receive by May 1st they may go to the waitlist.

I would assume that suggests LOCI should be specific and direct stating NU is my first choice and if accepted off the waitlist I will attend. Obviously only say it if you mean it.

NU is a (well deserved) hot school that does seem yield, acceptance rate, ranking and over enrollment sensitive. If they go to the waitlist they are going to want to make sure you are likely to attend.

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Daughter said exactly that in her LOCI and she was rejected.

Wasn’t suggesting it’s a “golden ticket”.

Sorry to hear that but different year or circumstance and hopefully different outcomes for some. Doing nothing however or showing relative indifference in LOCI is not a viable strategy.

Once again hope your daughter landed happily.

According to the website, it looks like this year they are only offering London and California.

Also keep in mind that London NUin is already filled…there is a waitlist.

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I actually don’t think this is true! A close friend of mine was let off the waitlist last admissions cycle. They do use it, at least to my knowledge, just not a large amount!

What program? Considering the over enrolment issue last year I doubt that.