Northeastern Class of 2025 Pre Regular Decision Discussion

Based on past years (you can look at the CC threads in the archives) many deferred students are accepted RD, some with merit aid.

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Was deferred last night! Apparently about 50% of EA applicants were deferred


When do regular decisions come out?

April 1st! Or at least that’s what they’re planning

Do I have a smaller chance of getting in because I had to apply regular decision or are my odds about the same?

I was deferred last night, so now I’m here :slight_smile:

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Interesting - what’s your source? Do you know what percentage were accepted? Thanks.

I doubt if people posting here on CC are a representative sample of all applicants. There were about 36,000 EA applicants and at most a few hundred have posted their results.

deferred too! getting more and more discouraged :confused:

How could you get deferred during RD round?

I got deferred EA so now i’m in RD

Ok, I see. I thought RD results already came out since this is a topic of RD.

Im actually very happy that I was deferred. Many people were rejected, and I believe that if you are deferred they do consider you a student that they would be willing to accept. In the mean time just work on a letter of continued interest I think.

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I don’t know of many who were rejected… i saw a bunch of people deferred though

Deferred gang!

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In the past RD has been released in the first 3 weeks of March on a Wednesday, but I would not be shocked if they waited until March 31st.

Can someone chance me for NEU RD?

Stats: average
ACT: 99th percentile
(Mostly A’s and a few B+'s. No AP’s cause school doesn’t offer them, but Ive always taken the highest level offered. I got one C senior year -_- in a higher level class since my school has a dual enrollment program. Just wondering how screwed I am)

300+ hours of community service
90+ research hours
Couple of leadership positions
Mostly medicine related EC’s

You are gonna have to give more info lol

Did anyone else get an email asking them to update their parents’ information? I’m trying not to read into it but I’m assuming that’s a good thing since why would they need parent information for a rejection.


Yeah, just got that email as well. Probably means nothing in terms of an admissions decision.