Northeastern Class of 2025 Pre Regular Decision Discussion

Did anyone else get an email making sure that you have withdrawn your application if you are going to attend another institution?

Yes! I just got it.

Got it as well. Pretty sure it is standard stuff

I think if someone has made his decision and withdraw, the AO can take a little break/rest. Test Optional is a killer this year for AO’s.

Are applications rates always “record breaking”? They specified in their email that the application rates were the highest they’ve ever been, but I feel like every year the applications rate break some sort of record. IDK :slight_smile:

Weird update to my portal. Today I was checking my status, and it says “Deferred Student New Info” has been added and received by my portal today. I didn’t add anything into my portal today… What could this be?

had u applied ea?

Yes I applied EA and was deferred.

Application numbers always seem to increase year after year. COVID or not, test-optional or otherwise, Northeastern would’ve probably seen a “record breaking” amount of applications regardless.

So true! Thank you :slight_smile:

That is true. A couple years ago they got about 100 fewer applications than the year before but otherwise there has been a double digit percentage increase in applications each year. This is true for most popular universities. Boston University has had similar increases.

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Feels like something going to happen soon, cheer up everyone!

Could the new file possibly indicate a decision?

I could be wrong, but I feel like it’s too early for regular to be released. Doesn’t it typically come out in late march? Just wondering :slight_smile:


I agree, they were still accepting materials last week

It probably just means they received the midyear report from your high school.

I have a separate file already which states midyear report though. I called and they said it was a document to check something off.

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Maybe when you selected you want to continue to the RD round, it creates a document for your file?

Hey everyone! I was admitted ED2 to NEU and Im happy to help anyone with questions about admissions, what to look for, and chancing. Good luck on RD!! See you next year!


can u chance me?
hispanic female from nj
rank top 5% of class (16/311)
gpa: uw 3.75 w 4.35
10 solid ECs
5 solid awards/honors
good letters of rec
7 APs (taking AP Comp Sci A, AP Ital., AP Lit, and AP Physics right now)
( 4 on AP Bio and 5’s on AP Lang and APUSH junior year)
major: Computer Science and Business Administration