Northeastern Class of 2025 Pre Regular Decision Discussion

Big chance!

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I’m super worried because I did not apply EA and heard of lots of acceptances from the EA round. Do you think it is more difficult to be accepted in the RD pool?

Based on your stats, I believe you have a big chance for this ranked #49 college.

Here is a topic talking about admitted stats. ***northeastern regular decision 2022 results*** - #21 by ceji1234

Can you tell me what your EC’s were, what you wrote in your essays, your awards, what you accomplished in your EC’s that you submitted to NEU and your demonstrated interest? I think everything is very good so far besides that.

Can you chance me as well?
Deferred EA (I got a lot of emails, a notebook, and even a fee waiver from them)
Major: Biology
GPA: 4.5 W (I think 3.7 UW, my school doesn’t calculate UW)
Test Scores: didn’t send
3 APs all of HS (only offered junior and senior year), 4 on APUSH, 3 on AP lang, submitted them (taking AP Calc in May)
Didn’t submit class rank
Wrote a LOCI after being deferred with specific programs only offered that NEU that I want to be apart of
HS Soccer for 2 years, lacrosse for 1 year
Played club soccer outside of school for over 10 years
3 varsity teams in JROTC
Head of community service senior year, assistant head junior year in JROTC
300+ community hours
2 strong recommendation letters, submitted another one after being deferred
Emailed admissions counselor about continued interest and expressed interest in NUin
Submitted Resume with I think about 10 awards from JROTC

I’d love to hear back, I do need a reality check and set my expectations for RD decisions!

When will RD be released?

Last year they were released on 3/26. Apparently the decision window can fluctuate from 3/10 to 3/26. With COVID though I could see a release towards April being more likely.

The decision window changes because they do it by day of the week, not dates. I’ll post a thread in a week or two with more official dates and speculation, but the range this year would be 3/16 to 3/31. The most likely date is 3/24, with a slighter chance for 3/17 or 3/31.

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I didn’t know that, thanks for the info

No problem! Check out the forum’s pinned threads and you can see past years dates here:

Archives of Old Admissions Threads

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SAT: 1300
GPA: 4.3
EC: AP Capstone; Student moderator for LWV virtual debates; GOTV local TV and radio commercials; NHS, National Journalism Honor Roll 2 years; Bilingual tassel; lots of community service; student rep for Moms Demand Action
8 APs
Rank: N/A at her school
State Residency: NC
Merit $$: $35,500/year
Fin Aid: none

Applied date: 11/1/21
Decision date: 1/27/21
Decision: accepted

Tough decision: Already accepted into UNC-Chapel Hill Honors College, Fordham, and Tulane. Waiting for Boston University and NYU (legacy). Right now between NU and UNC.

with the merit scholarship, how much is the cost of attendance?

Tuition is $76,500 so the cost of attendance is about $40,000. UNC would cost us $25,000 because we’re in-state.

I’d go with UNC! UNC is a great school and that cost is unheard of for most top-tier colleges. That’s just from my perspective.


Based on your stats, I believe my D will be accepted to Northeastern. She is RD and thank you for sharing.

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If not paying out-of-state tuition, my D would have applied for UNC.

I agree. When it’s in your own backyard, it seems less desirable than going to another state. We’re from NYC, so I think she wants to be back in a big city. Rooting for her to choose UNC! Good luck to your daughter!

Out-of-state-tuition is the biggest barrier for OSS applicants as paying double, compared to in-state, for the same education seems not worthy.

That is why one of my D’s classmates is admitted to UIUC with ACT 28. He did not apply for Financial Aid (worried about not-being-admitted) and school LOVES him to pay 56K a year.

Public colleges are supported by the taxpayers of that state. That is why out of state students pay more. It is fair.