Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Congratulations all! Got NUBound. Was hoping for a more traditional college experience so going to wait to see what the rest have to say, do the accepted students days, etc and keep an open mind.


Hi everyone, and congrats to everyone who was admitted! I am a current Northeastern Freshman and I’d love to help anyone with questions, concerns, comments, anything they want to talk about! I love this school so much and I am happy to share some info with anyone.

Some college info about me:

  • History and Political Science Combined Major with a Minor in Jewish Studies
  • Involved with College Mock Trial, Student Government, and Campus Jobs

High school info:

  • From NJ, graduated with a 3.7 unweighted and 4.1 weighted, 9 AP’s submitted six scores of one 4 and four 5’s, did not submit SAT/ACT, heavily involved with extracurriculars, applied ED2 and was admitted to CSSH

If he had submitted the SAT and got denied you’d wonder then too. It’s an amazing group of kids, and in a way a deny is better than the NUBound we got - ripping the bandaid off. FWIW submitted 34 ACT. Hugs mom! Better days ahead!

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Is NU Bound a bad program?

NU Bound is a one year alternative admissions program, and seemingly one year overseas (similar to NUin but for a year.) so you have to want this type of program if you want to get in to Northestern in Boston. NU Bound | Undergraduate Admissions

My DD got in !!
Submitted ACT score - 32
Business Administration - Finance
GPA - 4
Good EC’s
Out of State


Son accepted to Biology Major - yay! 1480 SAT, 3.97 of 4.00 unweighted, school doesn’t offer APs, but extremely strong reputation among college admissions offices, from CA, “nontraditional” ECs, recipient of College Board National Recognition Programs Award.

But he asked for NUin and I don’t see that in the acceptance letter. For those of you who got NUin, did it say in the acceptance letter?


Did it say NUin in your decision letter? My son got accepted but really wanted (and asked for) NUin but it doesn’t say anything at all in any of his documents.

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That means that he did not get into NUin but will instead be admitted as a regular student. NUin is an official decision and it would say it on his letter. To be completely honest, I think it is better for your son to not do NUin and instead study abroad later in his academic career. Many people who do NUin end up not having a lot of extracurriculars or clubs when they come to campus second semester of their first year, as well as not maintaining relationships with the people they were friends with at NUin. If you want more information about it, feel free to ask me!

Did it say NUin in her decision letter? My son got accepted (Bio major also) but really wanted (and asked for) NUin but it doesn’t say anything at all in any of his documents.

Thanks. I will share this info with him.

Ewww not Tufts (current NU student here lol).

Yes her admissions decision said NUin admit.

Congrats to everyone who got in! And for those who did not get the result they wanted, it’s totally ok! You are still who you are with all of your amazing accomplishments – on to the other schools, and you will succeed where you wind up!

For those deferred, I have a son who was deferred a few years back and got in RD with a nice merit package, so it does happen. Keep your chins up!


Absolutely true. I, for one, didn’t have Northeastern as my top choice before applying. I applied ED1 to Tufts and was rejected. Northeastern was my second choice, therefore I applied ED2 and got in. Either way, if you did or didn’t get in, or were deferred, you are all super smart students, and you will get into one college that you will be happy at.


Congratulations to all who were admitted (and condolences to those who were not–as someone who did not get in to their ED school many years ago, I know how you feel
and I can also attest to the fact that things do work out–the place I ended up was the perfect place for me in the end.)

For those who got in, did the letter give an indication of the ED acceptance rate this year? All indications are that volume is up everywhere (and acceptances down everywhere)
DC applied EA and we are bracing ourselves for bad news


are you sure it’s a full year - i think only first semester


It did not indicate the ED acceptance rate or number of applicants, but I am also curious about this too

“NU Bound is a one-year program for first-year students to experience the global university system beyond Boston”