Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

As far as I know Northeastern releases EA decisions mid to late January. Never in December.


That changed a couple years ago. The last couple years EA decisions have been released in mid-January. All EA decisions came out on the same day.


DC emailed admissions to ask about switching EA application to ED2 last week but havenā€™t heard backā€¦do we call? Will that be considered ā€œpestyā€? Will they even be open over the holiday break? Nervous that we wonā€™t be able to do it in time for the Jan 1 ED2 deadlineā€¦

I would call Monday morning. Finals ended on Friday and faculty need to get their grades in tomorrow. I think staff will start taking off very soon and itā€™s a legitimate question. I would not use your childā€™s name in the call thoughā€¦. Good luck!


thank you!

He did the right thing by not submitting the SAT score. I checked with an admissions officer and read it in the bulletin. It wouldnā€™t have helped. There are so many reasons he could have been rejected which had nothing to do with his application. My child loved NEU until we talked about the likelihood of admission and coop possibilities. He got into a great school and has no regrets.


Anything specific the ad rep said about the score? Congrats to your son!

Not sure why the word ā€œloveā€ is highlighted! Sorry about that

When do you think the Summer 2022 classes will be posted? Can a student do two classes in the summer rather than one in spring and one in summer? TIA

You are a good mom and very patient.

What is the process of withdrawing from other colleges once you are committed to NU.
Do you email the other colleges?

Summer classes probably wonā€™t be released for a bit, Iā€™m guessing not until EDII is released. Iā€™m hoping there will be a wider selection because there will be more students able to take them because of EDII and more interest likely. And yes, you can take both in the Summer.

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Normally there is an area on each schools portal to do so if you scroll all the way down to the bottom. It should be a quick process. If you canā€™t find that then email each schools admissions office.


My daughter wants to ED2 thinking it will give her an edge. But her GPA is 3.7 unweighted and she has only one AP and one IB and 3 honors classes. I say itā€™s wasting her time to do this. Does anyone have any insights?

If you read through this post you will see very few students received an offer of admission to the Boston campus. NEU over admitted last year.


According to College Kickstart, there were 2700 ED applicants and they accepted 875. Last year they had 1900 applications and accepted 1000. So definitely a drop in percentage accepted and in the number of students accepted. Anyone who is really interested in Northeastern but couldnā€™t do ED2 should reach out to admissions to show there interest in every way possible. As much as all of the schools say they donā€™t practice yield protection, schools like Northeastern who are still continuing to build their reputation seem to definitely take demonstrated interest into account to help choose students who will also choose them.

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If that is her only ED2 choice - then let her do it - no ā€œwhat ifsā€ and you never know. Speak to real work experience if she can - NU cares about that.

was 1900 ED apps last year just ED1 or combined ED1 and ED2? If itā€™s combined, thatā€™s an enormous increase in number of applicationsā€¦

Does anyone know if the ED2 pool tends to be much smaller than ED1?

Seems to be just the ED1 results bc ED2 have not been made public yet.

I misunderstood your comment @Tbboc so I couldnā€™t find last years data, but those numbers are just ED1 this year and it does sound like a big jump. With such an overenrolled current year (high yield led to 800 overenrollment) Iā€™m sure many folks are doing ED just to show their interest etc.

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