Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It is based on past years. The website says “by Feb 1st” not on Feb 1st.

Results always have come out about a week or so before the stated deadline.

Best bet I think is Jan 26. See posts above

Just a post to save students and parents from a lifetime of regret. Northeastern has checked out of giving students livable housing, organizing social events for students, the cafeteria food is inedible and there is virtually no mental health support. Please look seriously at other schools for higher learning for your students.

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Are you a current student?

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Just for a little perspective, my sophomore lives in an apartment-style dorm where he and his roommates cook for themselves. Like many students, they will live off-campus junior and senior years. There are a lot of clubs ranging from board game to hiking, skiing, singing, improv, rock climbing, yoga, intramural sports, etc. but it may take some initiative to find clubs of interest and attend events. Parties were discouraged last year due to the pandemic. If you want a lot of parties, you are probably better off picking a school known for that. I am sorry to say that depression is a serious problem at many college campuses. One of the colleges D22 applied to had two student suicides earlier this year. NU has a student health center, a crisis hotline and something called WeCare. Perhaps talking to an RA or advisor might be a start to find resources.


Would you please elaborate? And are you a current student, parent or alumni?

Regarding " no mental health support", were you referring to the incident in Snell library back in Dec?

It is my feeling that many colleges are under-resourced in the area of mental health. My daughter is a student at Northeastern and she’s feeling good about most everything there. I believe advising is a challenge there, but again, not unique to them. I work in higher ed and it’s a universal problem.

Regarding the unfortunate situation in the library, this does happen and far too often at colleges where students expect a lot of themselves. WPI has experienced six student deaths in six months with I believe four of them being confirmed suicides.


One thing I like about NEU in terms of “mental health support” is their decision going FULLY in-person for the next semester even though my kid is not on campus yet. That is a huge support for him from a parent perspective.


Their efforts during the pandemic has led the nation and recent changes in how they handle Covid cases has caused some students (rather more likely parents) to be upset. They are reading the data and know they cannot accommodate the potential numbers in isolation housing. It is my estimation that they are ahead of the decision-making in the entire region.


Does NE give a lot of merit $? Hope to get it down to about $40k. Any chance?

My D got $12000/year. I’ve seen posts of up to $28000/year.


My notes from an online session (or campus tour?) say they give something like $10k-28k, and it’s easier to get if you have high stats (34+ ACT, high scores, course rigor).

Are you a National Merit Finalist?

Can someone explain why would so many students with very high stats apply ED to Northeastern? Northeastern is currently ranked 49 on US News

It’s a great school and acceptance is only about 19%. Everyone applying has great stats.


Interesting Read, But Old Article: Did not now USN rankings were this important


Oh, that old chestnut. As a Northeastern alum who has recently attended many college tours and info sessions, it seems that many colleges are now touting their experiential learning programs and career development programs that I experienced at Northeastern in the 90s. I think other colleges are catching up to something NU has done well for years, but the co-op program hurt NU in the rankings because students might not graduate in 4 years. Although the important point is that many parents’ concern about not graduating in 4 years is paying more tuition, whereas at NU there is no tuition charged during co-ops and most are paid and can be done pretty much anywhere in the U.S. or abroad. Mindful of the rankings, I think NU is encouraging 2 co-ops now instead of 3.


It is an old article. Gives some insight on how they came up with program and also how US News evaluates schools. Today they are top ranked school and stand on their own merits and strength of the programs they offer.