Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

yes, decisions are out for CA. S22 deferred for CS :frowning:

CA is out.

Daughter is in !


Deferred in CA.

3.95 UW, approx 4.1 W, TO, so-so ECs, including sports, paid internship, and regular job.

Also requested financial aid.

Itā€™s ok, I donā€™t think NEU was the best fit for my D. She has other acceptances in hand, with good merit aid!

Congrats to those few who were admitted!


stats and major pls

Itā€™s such a high stat school and as they go more test optional, I imagine NM will be less and less valued honestly. Congrats to you kids! (NMF used to be full tuition scholarship, then it has been dropping over the years.)

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3.96 UW
4.0 with dual enrollment courses (took several)
TO ( had tests canceled 3X)
Unique EC
Best partā€¦Homeschooled, but on Deanā€™s List with Great Distinction at CC
In two separate CC honor societies.
Recā€™s came from two of her college professors.

3.96 unw
4.41 w
10 APs + 3 cc courses
decent extracurriculars and leaderships

Kinda expected the result LOLā€¦ anyways Congrats to those accepted!!


I believe it will be to embark on the NUIN journey. But if you clicked and saw that I think if she logs in she will go directly to the portal with the written information and she will have to replay that using the replay tab. I learned that the hard way lol

So itā€™s prob acceptance? Canā€™t imagine ā€œprepare toā€ leads to no thanks :rofl::rofl:


fantastic. congrats

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D22 got into NUin program. Did not expect this at all, given the number of applicants. 3.85/4.2, lots of APs and honors, Amigos program in Nicaragua, great essay.


My older D did amigos in Oaxaca in 2010!

Forgot to mention SAT was 1470.

For previous years THE WAIT IS OVER has meant acceptance to Northeastern (Boston) and PREPARE TO EMBARK has been NUin (first semester international and then starting the spring semester in Boston). Since NU Bound is new (first full year international) Iā€™m not sure what that screen says.
Please keep us posted! And let me know if the screen automatically plays again since you saw the original screen. It definitely didnā€™t last year. I learned my lesson and after that she started checking before I did. lol

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Great organization!

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bruh deferred with 4.3 1560 and international ecā€™s lmao

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THE WAIT IS OVER was acceptance to NEU, Boston. It confused me at first. My d was accepted tonight. 4.7w, 32 ACT, engineering, great leadership and internship.


Congratulations to your daughter!!!

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same question as you, Fred1986"Lots of deferrals. What % of deferrals were ultimately accepted in the RD round last year?"

So if deferred, what is the chance to get accepted in RD this year? 50% ?

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Deferred is a better than rejected. You might have a chance to get in.