Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

on the side there are 3 tabs, one is a scholarship letter


Sorry Im getting on to this late, but NUBound is pretty new, so there isnā€™t a lot known about the experience. I would argue that it is going to be a really fun experience for your daughter if she commits as she will spend her entire first year abroad and explore whatever country she goes to as well as others, most likely.

For prestige, I would turn to the original french definition of prestige which means ā€œfabricated successā€ effectively. Therefore, I would argue that making decisions based on ā€œprestigiousnessā€ of them would be harmful to your experience. Is it more prestigious compared to regular admission? I would argue that it isnā€™t. It is a completely different experience. Will it be more fun than regular admission? Hell yeah it would be! I wish I could experience an entire year abroad, and Im sure your daughter would love it.

I donā€™t know the acceptance rate, but I would point to ED1 figures, which, of the 2700 applicants, 880 were selected for regular admission, 400 for NUin, and 240 for NUBound. This means that your daughter is at least above 50% of all other applicants, which is pretty stellar in my opinion.


Hey, I wouldnā€™t worry! Your son has an unbelievably impressive application, and many students who are fantastic applicants are either deferred simply because their application was never seen during the admissions review or they knew that he was the right quality to be accepted and simply couldnā€™t make a decision among the 50k other applicants.

I wholeheartedly believe that your son will be accepted at a college that he both loves and will be a perfect fit for him. I worried about my applications when I was rejected from my ED1 school, Tufts, but then I was accepted ED2 to NU, and I can say that it was the best choice I ever made.

I believe in you guys.

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Eyyy we love Eagle Scouts (im one lol). If you donā€™t mind me asking, did you mention your experience in scouting in your application, maybe write essays about it, etc.? Im wondering if it worked for you like how it worked for me

Black female
3.87 UW/4.23 W GPA
12 Honors, 6 APS (4 of them during Senior Year)
4 and 5 on AP tests but didnā€™t submit
Nursing major
top 18% (rank 239ish out of 1324ish; competition is super stiff at my school yall)
CPR, CNA, and PCT certified; working on Pharmacy Tech. certification (earned PCT after applying though)
College Board National African American Scholar
My ECS are especially weak tbh; Freshman rep and then VP of a volunteering club sophomore year, choir from elementary to sophomore year and won an award (not super significant tho) NHS from junior till present. Some volunteer hours spread throughout my years at high school. Iā€™m really hanging on to my clinical classes in junior and senior year to carry my app. Surprised I wasnā€™t rejected.
I rotated at different hospitals and outlying sites in the past four months (after applying to NEU) yall think its worth it for me to submit like an updated resume or letter of continued interest to help my chances? NEU is like my top choice next to NYU and I REALLY want in. :C

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i forgot to mention: 1460 on SAT (700 on math and 760 on reading/writing)

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Yup, his CommonApp essay was how Boy Scout changed him as a person, to become the Eagle Scout leader he is now.

Not sure how big of a factor Eagle is,
as 2 of his friends who are also Eagle were deferred by NEU.

One of his best friends was accepted via ED,
and now he says heā€™s going spend the next 4+ months trying to convince son to choose NEU so that they can room together. Should be fun

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Thatā€™s awesome. I think that being an eagle had a huge impact on his application, especially since he wrote his essay about it. I wrote my commonapp about how being a counselor at scout camp, and dealing with failure, taught me about leadership and serving others. If your son attends NU, heā€™ll have the opportunity to take a look at his admissions file, where it will show that being an Eagle Scout is a specific factor that they are looking for in admissions.

Once you got into CalTech EA ā€¦CONGRATS!!! Why bother about NU which is nowhere in the Caltech league?


Yes, IMO. the 4 months spent at different hospitals and outlying sites, during a pandemic is a HUGE! IMOā€¦ something that was not included in their reviewā€¦ they should not just admit youā€¦ they got to throw in a boatload of Merit Aidā€¦IMOā€¦ Separately, isnā€™t NYU a much better school than NEU?

Especially @tmbby since they deferred you ā€¦ you have a strong reason to provide any additional info and show your continued interest. Best

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Also submit those 4 and 5 AP Exam scores. Send them official reports if you can afford it. Its worth spending the extra 15$ to send AP scores.

Honestly, yes, but I would be happy with either university accepting me

Be greedy for Merit Aid and scholarships tooā€¦ you have the stats and the experience and SAT , etc.

For students that were ā€œDeferredā€ā€¦did many of you note on your application that
you DID NOT want to be in

I am wondering if NEU is really trying to fill the 2022 class with this program to help with the
housing crisis, knowing that spring semester will have many current freshmen on

Many of you have already posted stats and decisions, perhaps the easiest way to
consolidate this is to respond to this post with two different options:
1) Deferred ā€“ declared that did not want
2) Deferred ā€“ was open to

My D was in case 1ā€¦while International is interesting for her, doing it first
semester was not appealing to her (feels like a transfer to the campus) and
did not press the button indicating that she was applying to

Thanks all!

thank you

  1. Deferred ā€“ was open to

Deferred, not open to Nuin or Nu Bound.

For us it was about needing financial aid and I did not know they could give merit that could be applied to NUin.

deferred, did not want
1580, 1/450, Summer Research, Varsity Athlete, 14 AP, Dem Interest, Strong Recs
not first choice

My son was deferred, did not want to do NUBound.
SAT 1510
GPA 4.0/4.5
Typical extracurriculars and job- nothing out of the ordinary- class president, track, normal amount of service hours, etcā€¦
Iā€™m sure his letters were excellent, and I personally thought his essay was excellent and unique.
He is not going to send a LOCI as I am assuming he would not get merit aid if he was deferred, and without merit aid, he canā€™t go. Hopefully he will get into our state flagship (UMD) tomorrow.

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