Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

  1. Deferred – was open to

FYI, I don’t believe that is true regarding no merit aid if deferred. I recall reading that in prior years deferred students that were accepted during RD did receive merit aid.


The yield rate was 24% in 2020. It was 33% in 2021 leading to over enrollment.

With those stats he will definitely get into MD! I went there a million years ago and it was the best 4 years of my life! Great school!! Good luck to him!

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DS deferred, not open to
4.0/4.9, 12-13 APs, ACT 36, good leadership, solid ECs, only attended virtual events and not sure he corresponded with admissions rep.

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D22, NJ, high stats, strong course rigor, multiple leadership roles - deferred. She’s both disappointed (because she really did like NEU) as well as frustrated (she’s received deferrals from multiple schools now - is wondering why she bothered to apply early).


My deferred student did not select NUin for the same reasons as you stated.

Accepted from Cincinnati


My son said he was not interested in, or more specifically that he did not want to study abroad 1st semester and he did not want to study for a full year in London. Those were the two questions. Also, he applied for Financial Aid and I understand you cannot use FA for

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My daughter is in the same situation. is it harder for kids from NJ?

My kid has a close friend who was accepted to NEU this way and his experience was fantastic! It was an excellent choice for this particular student who is now a thriving sophomore.

Does anyone know if deferred applicants are supposed to submit a Letter of Continued Interest and how? My son did not see anything on his portal.

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A LOCI is not required but it would be good to send one.


That doesn’t look like a reach to me!! Best of luck to her!

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Seems like they’re deferring most OOS high stat kids, following the same pattern as UMich and others. Quickly skimming through the previous responses it appears that all high stat NJ kids got deferred, but I don’t think it’s because we’re in NJ - but rather, simply being OOS.
Best wishes to your daughter in the regular round.


It’s same for in state too. It just breaks their confidence.

Shucks, was hoping for you @DadofJerseygirl ! Deferrals can work out! My S16 was deferred and accepted RD with a nice, normal package as if he had been accepted from the beginning. The competition is so stiff at this school! So glad my D22 has other options and is not obsessed with CWRU and NEU who deferred her. For us, Pitt is it :slight_smile: - Fingers crossed

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NU defers something between 50-70% of EA applicants because they simply do not have enough time or enough resources to read each application. Most deferrals are simply because they were not reviewed. Many others are because applicants were right on the border of admitted or denied so they would only admit the clear best students who were most likely going to attend NU and then wait on the rest.

That seems unbelievable to me, that applications were not read yet. Do you know this for sure? You’ve been such a great resource @therealchipaway , so I’m curious

Thanks so much @Winky1! Appreciate it :slight_smile:
Really hope it works out because my D does like NEU a lot.

As @idmitham said, her confidence is shaken. Very high stats, and she’s batting 4/4 on deferrals as of now with another deferral expected tomorrow :slightly_frowning_face:
I’m trying to assure her things will work out.

She only has her safety in hand right now which she’ll be fine with but it’s been a disappointing early action season for sure.