Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thanks @25Raider25, that’s good to know. My Daughter has applied for engineering as well, so we’ll see. Do you recall approximately when he was notified?
Appreciate the info.

I saw in this thread a comment that someone said they were accepted ED2. I thought only EA released last night? Does ED2 come out rolling?

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Deferred for CS
OOS, not open to NUin/Bound, didn’t request financial aid
3.97/4.35, top 10% competitive HS, 1520 SAT, 11 APs/Honors
Good ECs, although not related to major

I I recall, it was like mid to late March. It was a nice surprise. This was the first covid year so thinks were a bit wacky at that time. Other schools did the same thing with my son’s early action deferrals/wait lists. Lehigh comes to mind.

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I agree. They will have to heavily rely on waiting lists for those 1300 spots between EA and RD, and it is going to be a long waiting game, but my concern is more about NUin admits. I just feel that they are being more realistic on EA (Boston) this time but might have given out too many NUin offers. If there is really this much of interest in NEU this year ( I can’t believe NEU is getting this popular myself) and this hard to get into NEU ( Boston), NUin may become a more acceptable option for the kids, and NEU may end up with a way higher yield rate on NUin. The same issue may come back again in terms of the housing, dining, library all kinds of space-related issues.

Even though NEU is getting very popular, I still believe it is lacking true love. At the end of the day, the overall yield rate is still very low for NEU. NEU wants to get all those great kids in, and those kids need to love the school back, at least to show their passion. That is why I am not blaming the school. It is what it is.

Don’t believe everything you read here.

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That person was a ■■■■■. He claimed that he got into NEU last year as well.

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How bad is the situation on campus in terms of overcrowding? Is it just housing or are there issues with getting into classes/other issues? This seems like something that is going to take years to sort out and should factor into the matriculation decisions of accepted students…

You’ve been so helpful in terms of giving your perspectives as a current student that it would be good to understand your how things are “on the ground” in terms of overcrowding? Is it just housing or are there issues with getting into classes/other issues? This seems like something that is going to take years to sort out and should factor into the matriculation decisions of accepted students…

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There is no financial aid for NuBound. You can’t even take Federal loans. Basically, NuBound is a pre-matriculation program.

I myself have only been on campus once but seen a lot of discussions on reddit…

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So I’ll be honest: overcrowding has been an issue this year.

Even before NUin students came to Boston this semester, we had issue with dining halls filling up extremely quickly, classes being full, professors being overextended, etc. The spaces on campus that are public would often get filled out very quickly and there are often a lot of people walking around. The main study spot on campus, Snell library, often packed, especially at night.

After NUin students came back, dining halls really got crowded. There have been lines out the door sometimes, waiting 10-15 minutes to get a seat, and at the Curry Student Center, you could wait 25-30 minutes for food. It isn’t anyone’s fault really, its just really overextended with the high population that was this year due to the massive increase in yield rate.

I believe that Northeastern will prepare for this by dropping the acceptance late so much while expecting the yield rate to be about the same, therefore not having an extreme over-enrolled population.

We could see an acceptance rate of about 7% overall and still have nearly 4,000 students attend next year. I think if they prepare for that, it would likely not be too crowded.

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Very few private universities have a yield rate over 30%. The increasing number of ED applications is a good sign. Perhaps it is time for Northeastern to eliminate EA and push for more ED applicants. That’s what BC did. BU has never had EA.

Perhaps regarding the food situation- could it be due to staff shortages. You saw that a lot around campuses across the US due to Covid.

Part of it is because of staff shortages, and another part is the limitation of facilities.

I am a student who was hired to work in the student center, something they have never done before.

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Well, I believe that the ultimate goal of NEU is to be one of those “very few private universities”, and has been doing a pretty good job along the way. NEU is not going to be happy with staying as “Top 50” forever. But I do agree with the idea of eliminating EA. Once NEU gets to the prestige level it wants to get someday, it can then slowly move more spots back to EA&RD pool.

Helpful, thank you. Appreciate the honesty.

What about housing? I imagine there has been a huge crunch…and if the hotels that have been used this year as overflow are not available, do you know what the plans are? Isn’t housing guaranteed for four years?

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We are seeing the same here (from CT) - many deferrals for our S22 and students from our HS. It is disheartening…and kinda frightening. Not everyone applies to Ivies, and when you are getting deferrals from the T20 to T50 range you wonder why your child worked so hard for their high stats :frowning:


Housing is an interesting situation. I think it will be pretty openly available for next years class because they are preparing for higher yield. We got unlucky because we had a yield way higher than expected.

Great- again, thank you. Any sense for how they are planning for that higher yield? Presumably it takes years to build dorms…