Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I find it amusing that people think that Northeastern’s one block long mostly on one street campus is somehow vastly different than BUs 1.5 mile long mostly on one street campus.


Have you been to campus? They are different.


They are very different. Both urban but Northeastern has a contiguous campus. BU’s buildings are mixed with office buildings, other public buildings etc. very different feel imo.


The two are completely different and BU has really divided the strip into two at this point. Recreation and fitness at one end and pure academics at the other. Northeastern is very different.


Have you ever toured the Northeastern campus?
campusmap.pdf (


D22 was admitted EA to and we received an email yesterday saying:
“at this time there is not a location available to you based on age and/or program of study compatibility. Please be assured that the Office of Undergraduate Admission will contact you next week to further discuss your enrollment choices and ensure you have an opportunity to enroll at Northeastern if you decide it is the right fit.”

Anyone else received this? Sounds like they are preparing to change the admission to NU Bound (or considering Boston option again?) and hinting to withdraw now if she won’t be enrolling. It just reads a bit strange to receive as an admitted student.

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Certainly not reassuring. Its surprising to me actually. Unless, the NU in program has come across issues/stumbling blocks that are out of NEUs control to solve (covid related issues, destination problems, other country’s regulations). Perhaps they will offer in Boston or on Boston campus?

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They just announced the NUin locations. Looks like you need to be 18 for some of them and the location options vary by major.

This tells you by school which ones you can go to based on your major:

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@Mom270 thanks for the info. It looks like there are locations that would work both for the age and program requirements, so the email we received is even more interesting now. We will see what they tell us next week.

It is likely due to ongoing COVID concerns. The Sydney and Melbourne Australia locations were very popular. Australia has only recently opened up the country to internationals and there is likely concern that entry could be banned in the future. Also, the Montreal, Canada location is not available likely due to the Quebec governments constantly fluctuating COVID rules. Northeastern does not want to have a couple hundred students planning on a location only to have that location suddenly become unavailable.

@Henok What is your student’s major? Will s/he be 18 by September?

This is strange. But the chart itself isn’t completely clear. My kid was accepted to a major in the college of science, but the Application Status Check page didn’t have Scotland listed as an option. I’m guessing they don’t offer the intro classes for that particular major. And kid won’t be 18 in time to go to Spain, so that’s not an option.

What is your kid’s major?

I have to say, my kid seemed more enticed by Nuin last night after the locations were released!

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@lll1 @TomSrOfBoston D22 major is computer science and won’t make the 18 cutoff date for England, so it looks like that is the issue here. Interested to see what the options offered will be.

It’s interesting that the Explore program is listed as compatible with all locations. Wonder if your son could fall under that program for the first semester and then switch into his intended major once on campus…


CS seems to be the only program that does not offer an alternative location for those under 18. I wonder how many other students like your child there might be in this situation. Please let us know what they work out. NUIN Boston will not be an option though from what they’ve already said.

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NU Bound offers England and Mills College in Oakland. Again Mills would be the only option due to age again.

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Yes, I have. I have been to NU many times and have toured recently - have any of you actually ever been to BU? Office buildings on campus? No, there are not. Public buildings? Again no, but there are a handful of small businesses scattered into some mixed-use buildings with BU residences on one block as you get to the edge of central campus. Only academics on central campus??? Not at all true. I guess all those massive dorms and residences, plus the student union don’t exist. BU is divided while completely ignoring the orange line tracks that divide NUs campus? For the record, I was not knocking NUs campus - I was saying and still saying, they are very similar, city style campuses. One is centered on Huntington and a green line; the other is centered on Comm Ave and the Green line.

Boston University (


I did tour BU and went to NU. BU seemed more like a collection of buildings along a street whereas NU seems more like a self-contained campus. Since I went there in the Stone Age NU has added a lot more green spaces, Adirondack chairs, fire pits and some fancy buildings, including ISEC. Centennial Common on the NU campus is a green space where kids hang hammocks and play frisbee in nice weather and had a 100-student snowball fight a few weeks ago.

My son liked both campuses (but not BC) and chose NU, which gave him more merit aid. BU gave the least money of any of his college choices.

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Now there is a statement I fully support! Do they even deserve the name Boston? Newton has a nice ring to it. :rofl:
Aid seems to be hit or miss at BU. I hear some people get tons of aid and others get very little. My D22 toured both and applied to both, NU and BU but she preferred BUs campus. I think they both appeared to have excellent Merit award opportunities. NU’s co-op’s interested her, but BU interested her for research opportunities. First step is getting accepted (applied RD) and next step is seeing what merit or aid she gets from either if accepted. She loved Boston too. We didn’t even bother with touring BC. :slight_smile:

Yup, and just today in fact. My daughter goes to Northeastern and I went to BU. I spend a lot of time on the BU campus for athletics as well.

How close are the campuses BU and NU?
My niece attends BU my daughter was just admitted to NU.