Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It’s a good read and an easy audiobook - highly recommend it.

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Mine shows my midterm report and transcript were received.

Does anyone know how many people northeastern defers?

For those who have some info about housing–I have been reading about the LLCs and the over crowding of some of the dorms. I know that they rotate the LLCs between different buildings so it’s hard to predict the dorm but I’m wondering if there are any recommended LLCs? Do they have different reputations? My daughter is deciding between a few and I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice. It sounds like some of the LLCs do a lot more events than others do.

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NEU was discussed at length in Selingo’s book. I agree it is a great, helpful read.


From my understanding, the LLCs really just serve to group kids of like minds and interested together. They don’t really do much extra programming or anything. Some like to be in LLCs in their major to find study groups etc, others like to be in LLCs focused on their non-major interests to meet kids outside of their majors more easily. Who knows what will be where, so I’d recommend your child just list LLCs of interest and go from there. Don’t try t9 guess an LLC for its potential dorm. The only one that rarely changes, and I cannot remember the dorm, is the music LLC bc they have some practice rooms or something that would make it impossible to move (maybe it’s Kennedy hall?)

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If you look at the common data set, the class size has never gone over 3100 until this year when it skyrocketed to 4500! Their target has always been around 2800. When they hit 3100 in 2017-18 it was a mess in housing etc for a few years until lightview came online.

These numbers of course do not reflect NUin at all and it’s clear those numbers have risen each year, esp with NUin Boston these last two years. Based on the change in housing lottery numbers for rising sophomores, it seems there are 7000 rising sophomores on campus!

13-14… 2890
17-18…3108 * pre lightview and created havoc
21-22… 4504

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My son did the Explore Program LLC which was in the same dorm as the Computer Science LLC, White Hall. It’s not a new or fancy dorm but he loved the location. There were not many activities but that was in 20-21 when indoor gatherings were discouraged due to Covid. When they did have a dorm party not many kids went. He enjoyed exploring Boston, made great friends with CS kids, and one friend taught him to play electric guitar.

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When you say pushing upper class off campus, can you clarify? Have they dropped the UG housing guarantee? Are they actively discouraging upper class to move off campus?

They haven’t dropped it, but since first and second years are guaranteed housing no matter what because they are required to live in university housing, there is definitely an attitude to push upperclassmen off campus.

Yeah, I guess I was referring to total class with NUin and direct enrollment, so you are right in the direct enrollment sense. We currently do have about 7,000 rising sophomores which is nuts, but they seem to be trying to work it out.

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It’s a natural inclination to want to move off campus for many after their second year, and I’m sure with all the overcrowding folks will be so ready to move off campus when the time comes. You made it sound like the campus is actively discouraging upperclassmen from living on campus. No doubt housing is a mess.

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Yes, the average frosh class size, inc NUin, for many years has been around 3500 (2800+700 NUin). Their fall admissions this year alone was 4500; plus maybe 2000 NUin yield due to NUin Boston.
I also wish they would post how many NUin/NUbound students they enroll each year.

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I agree. I have not seen any official statements or actions taken by NU to show there’s “an attitude to push” upperclassmen off campus.

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On the NUin webinar earlier in the week, they did give some information about capacity next year at some of the sites. It’s obviously incomplete, but 6 of the sites could accommodate 1200 NUin students, if those sites all filled. Then there are 3 additional sites. And this doesn’t account for NUBound students.

Berlin (150-160)
London (200)
Greece (400)
Dublin (200)
Scotland (100-125)
Bilboa (125-150)
Oakland (?)
Rome (?)
Madrid (?)


Interesting. Thanks for sharing this, that’s higher than I thought they’d target given their incredibly high numbers this year.

If I’m understanding these “capacity” numbers correctly, these are just the maximum number that each NUIn program site could handle- it does not mean that NU will try to fill each program site. So, presumably, they have will only accept as many NUIn students to yield some total NUIn target number and these capacity numbers will only be used for determining where kids go (i.e., some sites might get filled and others might have excess capacity)…but maybe I’m wrong.

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Yes, that is definitely true.

Hi! I attended the webinar and the wording was that the numbers shared above were the expected number of students at each site not the capacity for each site. I’m not sure what the capacity is, but I do know that the London site is already considered full.


For any NU fans, a Northeastern student will be in the Jeopardy College tournament final on Tuesday along with Kennesaw State and UT Austin. These 3 students beat kids from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and many other elite colleges. Go Northeastern!